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Halloween Horror Nights 22 Discussion

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I wonder if TWD will get up to 180 mins tonight or tomorrow?
I hardly like either candidate, but the rap battle is a blatant ad for Obama. Not a single parody, policy joke, or self-denegrating line for his half. If they were going to do that segment and not have it come off as supporting one candidate over the other they needed to have Obama's half as self-denegrating and embarrassing as Romney's, which they didn't do. As of Wednesday night, the only change that I noticed was taking "Anne" out and putting a girl in the same suit as the one next to Obama had. Still the same jokes and rap lines from what I remembered. The article linked to was way off base for calling out the whole show for it, that's ridiculous, but the rap battle is as blatant as can be.

As for the lines tonight and last...not surprised, and really not all that put off by them, but having a pass and living 15 minutes from the parks has vastly changed how I do them. If I were at Halloweekends at Cedar Point (a once, maybe twice a year trip for that event), I'd be waiting an hour+ for a house without blinking.
Bill and Ted's has been changed because of the "controversy"

Shameful. Hope a phone booth falls on everyone that complained.

SPOILERS (but only make sense if you'd seen the show already)

Saw the first show. Almost the entirety of Romney's introduction is gone---no "million dollar nuts", no apology to women. Obama's rap was cleaned up, no more use of "bitch". Romney had an entirely new rap--which the actor basically forgot and had to ad lib his way through (he did an incredible job, and it's to be expected, having only learned it today). Whole segment has been neutered. Hunger Games/Obamacare joke (and Planned Parenthood) joke are still in, for what it's worth.

The segment is so much shorter that two of the Snow Whites have to duck out early (to do a costume change), throwing off Stacey Jaxx's ending lines.

Not sure if it's related, but Captain America quit using "Communist cakehole" as well. Said something like "unpopular geek." Same actor it's usually been (former Richard Head) so that's not the reason.

There's no question but that someone high up did the cowardly thing and caved. My guess is someone in GE rather than local to Universal Studios, but it's a real shame nonetheless.

- - - Updated - - -

I hardly like either candidate, but the rap battle is a blatant ad for Obama. Not a single parody, policy joke, or self-denegrating line for his half.

The skit compares Obamacare to child murder (and his arrogant dismissal of the comparison is pure Obama). Later he was called "Insane in the Hussein." I'd say 70/30 Romney/Obama jokes, but there were some digs. Not to get personal, but I've said it before, this is coming from a far right-wing former CR/YR president who'd crawl over broken glass if necessary to vote against Obama. Funny jokes are funny.
the apology to women was taken out?! that was one of the funniest parts of the show. ugh. i wonder how many complaints they got before they took it out.

the way i see it is it must be true if you cant take a joke about it.
Mummy was up to 120 when I left around 8:30-9:00ish. TWD was at 150 soon after. Even those wait times don't get across how crowded the streets and Finnegans were--walking to the gate was a chore.

Pass! :lol:
As a neutral party, the skit played up the positives and negatives of both candidates. Obama is the younger, rock star type candidate, and Romney is older, whiter, and more uptight candidate. Both portrayals were fair and true to the real guys. Obama was embellished to be more of a celebrity and Romney was squarer/ more pretentious. They were portrayed as caricatures in a parody. It worked. It's a shame people couldn't leave bias and agendas at the door. It was nothing that SNL hasn't done for years.

And @SeventyOne, I'm enjoying the mental image of you crawling over glass.
This country is really pathetic,can't take a joke from a show that up front tells you not to watch if you are easily offended.
Ok just hear me out.

I've been going to the event for a while now and have seen the show drop in quality for years. Don't get me wrong the show is a staple of the event but allowing the show to either retire or at least take a hiatus could be for the best. I mean each year more and more people talk about how much this show sucks even more than last years crapfest. Just look at the reviews for the show the last several years, this is the most attention this show has gotten in 5 years.

So if you had to pick one of these two options, which one would you pick? Bill and Ted has to command a decent sized budget.

7 Houses, B&T, and a smaller stage show


9 Houses, two smaller stage show options.

BTW, I have my own opinion but I'm not sharing it. I want to see where people stand on this.
I can understand removing the political stuff to an extent, though I really disagree with doing so, but I'm a bit confused as to why the term "bitch" was removed from Obama's rap and "million dollar nuts" from Romney's. For Obama's rap, he was simply rapping to the beat of the song Rack City. What does that have to do with politics? As for Romney's, it's not like he's denying or trying to hide the fact that he's a millionaire. Why is that being made out to be such a controversial thing? Because of the term "nuts". Give me a freaking break. :doh:
Ok just hear me out.

I've been going to the event for a while now and have seen the show drop in quality for years. Don't get me wrong the show is a staple of the event but allowing the show to either retire or at least take a hiatus could be for the best. I mean each year more and more people talk about how much this show sucks even more than last years crapfest. Just look at the reviews for the show the last several years, this is the most attention this show has gotten in 5 years.

So if you had to pick one of these two options, which one would you pick? Bill and Ted has to command a decent sized budget.

7 Houses, B&T, and a smaller stage show


9 Houses, two smaller stage show options.

BTW, I have my own opinion but I'm not sharing it. I want to see where people stand on this.

After some debating, I think I'd probably go with the 7 houses, B&T, and a smaller stage show. If I could change it, I'd prefer to stick to the 8 houses, B&T and a smaller stage show that we've had in past years, but I'm sure you asked it that way for a reason. I enjoy B&T too much to get rid of it. Even when it's not fantastic, it's still a really fun and entertaining show that allows for a break from all of the walking and waiting in line. Plus, it has simply become a staple for me that I look forward to every year and I'd hate to lose it.

If things were to go the way of your second option, a lot of people would have a hard time fitting everything into one night. Especially during Hell Week, it's hard enough for people to get all 7 of the houses done that are available this year.

Either way, I still feel like 8 houses, B&T & RHPS is the optimal lineup.