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Halloween Horror Nights 23 Speculation

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I don't necessarily think it's anyone's fault that HHN had a rough year last year..it was a combo of popularity, expensive IPs, and a lot of last minute changes..Hollywood does great sometimes and other times not so much..same goes for HHNO and even HOS..Roddy was great, Aiello is great..No one person holds the event together, there are so many more things that need to come together for ours (Orlando)
Ok been away for a week.. First of John Murdy is amazing!!! I wish we had someone like him over here in orlando. The way he keeps in touch with his HHN fans is amazing! The houses he comes up with are amazing!! He is just a cool creative guy that i wish we had someone like him over here in orlando to give us just as much attention!

Second. Sense with all the construction in universal this year is it possible we see HHN going back to both parks?? Especially sense Phase II opening in 2014?

Last note as a die hard HHN fan i wish we could have a more in depth behind the scenes look into the houses and the minds of the people that create everything!!! Just like there doing over at monsterpaloza this year!!
At the same time, Roddy also was part of some of the not-so great years too.

Any year that is deemed "not so great" is entirely based off of individual opinion. To some, every year could have been a good year for them, and that makes Roddy responsible for consecutively creating an amazing event since he started working there. However, I personally agree with you - some years (IMO: 2007, 2009, and 2010) were pretty terrible years, regardless of who was responsible for their creation.

There are two things I praise Murdy for: One, his involvement with social networks and how he personally answers questions about his job, about the event, etc. Second, his ability to put together HHN year after year almost (or what seems to be) single-handedly, and with probably half of the budget used in Orlando. He is amazing at what he does, and deserves the recognition, but Roddy will always be considered by me to be "Mr. HHN."

On another note, I think the Studios will be home to HHN again, at least for this year. It could move to both parks next year with certain lands being aesthetically unavailable.
Ok been away for a week.. First of John Murdy is amazing!!! I wish we had someone like him over here in orlando. The way he keeps in touch with his HHN fans is amazing! The houses he comes up with are amazing!! He is just a cool creative guy that i wish we had someone like him over here in orlando to give us just as much attention!

Second. Sense with all the construction in universal this year is it possible we see HHN going back to both parks?? Especially sense Phase II opening in 2014?

Last note as a die hard HHN fan i wish we could have a more in depth behind the scenes look into the houses and the minds of the people that create everything!!! Just like there doing over at monsterpaloza this year!!

First thing.. Mike and Patrick are starting to talk on the HHN FB page.. there not active on Social Media cause of legal reasons.. They do read the sites and other stuff :)

Second thing.. Not this yr, maybe next yr is my guess.

Third thing.. What more do you want to know? Its all out there on websites, YT videos and more.. Hell I have so many HHN Orlando videos on my YT its not even funny.

So I bring you some news from the world of HHN...

Today I checked out the Universal Orlando UK site and saw this...

Now here is the United States version...

Before you say anything.. this hasn't always been there on the UK site.. Just went up over the last couple days.
Has there ever been a house in the Mummy extended queue? And is this space big and suitable enough for a house (at least comparable in size to the ones we lost when the Jaws queue went ka-boom)?
I asked that last year as well and someone said that scareactors had been used there before but never a house. Idk if I want a house there but some interaction would be pretty great
No. More. Clowns!
