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Halloween Horror Nights 23 Speculation

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Did they use a lot of chain link fences inside the house or a lot of metal poles or something? Im digging way back into my memory trying to remember it

That house would have Been " Run" the most talked about House that hardly anyone going in the last 5 years ever did. I would love for them to bring it back in it's Exact Form so that all that Hype can be seen in the real light. That Hosue was 1000 percent hype and a crappy House...Sorry IOA 12 was one of the worst years of all times...Fear Factor House, Carnage the only good memory of that to me was ScreamHouse and HHN best Icon the Caretaker.
Did they use a lot of chain link fences inside the house or a lot of metal poles or something? Im digging way back into my memory trying to remember it

That house would have Been " Run" the most talked about House that hardly anyone going in the last 5 years ever did. I would love for them to bring it back in it's Exact Form so that all that Hype can be seen in the real light. That Hosue was 1000 percent hype and a crappy House...Sorry IOA 12 was one of the worst years of all times...Fear Factor House, Carnage the only good memory of that to me was ScreamHouse and HHN best Icon the Caretaker.
Um, IMO, the best icon was the director
So, I can't remember if I asked this, but anyways, now that it has been released... Any chance of an Evil Dead house? I think it could work with the reboot. And it would be a nice change to have a house with lots of gore and deadites :skellington: And it could also be adapted really well, being that it's set in a cabin and each room had something interesting. I can see a lot of parts from the movie being translated into scares, too. Any whispers or rumblings for this IP?

I agree Evil Dead would really be a perfect fit for a haunted house! I hope that it happens!
So, I can't remember if I asked this, but anyways, now that it has been released... Any chance of an Evil Dead house? I think it could work with the reboot. And it would be a nice change to have a house with lots of gore and deadites :skellington: And it could also be adapted really well, being that it's set in a cabin and each room had something interesting. I can see a lot of parts from the movie being translated into scares, too. Any whispers or rumblings for this IP?

Seriously. This would be amazing.

Recreating the basement with the hanging animals would be an awfully creepy room. Raining blood in the finale. I hope.
Must be doing some of the tours or something don't know why he would go to Texas.

He specifically was at Monsterpalooza. I just put HauntCon because I didn't know which one it was :lol:

I love reading Creepypasta but I don't see how much of it could translate into a house. What makes CandleCove great is that the kids were staring at nothing and we didn't know it.

Evil Dead house is a toss up, someone messaged Aiello (idk why, poor guy), and asked him if he saw 'Evil Dead' and he of course said he did, and that he enjoyed it. They then proceeded to ask him if he thought it would be a good house and he said "Perhaps." I think he was playing middle ground, but I could see an Evil Dead house really easily.
For those who are wondering or didn't know..

From HHNH's twitter -

The announcement being talked about is a character design contest for Hollywood (and only Hollywood :angry:). Murdy is going to allow one lucky person's design to be a part of HHN 2013. Pretty freakin' sweet if you ask me. More details to follow in the coming months. Murdy's tweets are very interesting!
MURDY gets the social media scene, much more so than anyone else in theme park design.
Well, whatever happens i'll be excited to be doing HHN for the first time! Never got around to it. (Ok, I was a scaredy cat... :embarassed: ) But i'll be hitting it probably in the Middle of October with a couple HHN vets so I should be good! :lol:

P.S Realized I'll be clocking 4 trips to UOR this year! (Well technically two "real" trips and two 1 day event trips but still!)
This was posted on Nightmares. I don't believe it and the things I do believe are already rumored, but hey, worth sharing.

So Chad of HHNRumors posted this article roughly 2 weeks ago (thursday, april 4th to be exact) on the HHNRumors main page. Sure enough, his article included some HHN house info that coincides with what I had heard from a few sources. Two of these match up with Dr Jimmy's cryptic comment clues... You can read the article HERE:

1 Park - Studios (like normal)
8 Houses - THANK. GOD.

Here are the 4 IP's that Chad listed, which as I mentioned, matches with what I had heard.

- The Walking Dead
Unfortunately, it will be back. It brought in the crowds and had an ungodly line from hell every night. So it'd make sense for UNI to want to do it again, but this time based on Season 3 (PRISON) since last year's house was based on Season 1 & 2. However, there IS one BIG reason why they would NOT want to bring back TWD again... that reason: Restrictions. All of the restrictions AMC placed on that house last year was awful.
Dr Jimmy Clue Spec/Guess: "Surname"

- American Werewolf in London
As most of you remember, we were supposed to get this house last year. BUT it was replaced last minute with, i believe Silent Hill.. So while most houses get shelved for future years (or just to rot away never to see the light of day), it makes sense that UNI would want to do it this year. Besides, we haven't had a werewolf house since 2009's "Wolfman" (unless you want to count Wolfman's cameo in House of Horrors last year).
Dr Jimmy Clue Spec/Guess: "Balloons"

- American Horror Story
While I have never watched this tv series, I can't really say much about it. I plan to catch up on it before HHN though. The interesting thing about this house rumor is that my friend out in LA went to Monsterpalooza this past sunday & said he overheard someone mention "AHS" in regards to HHN. While it could've just been a random fanboy's "wishful thinking outloud", it was still significant.

- Resident Evil
As we all know, HHN Japan did an amazing job with Resident Evil last year. Now Japan already had a partnership with Capcom for everyday use anyway & Capcom is a Japanese videogame company. So obviously that partnership wasn't too hard to make happen... Now while a good portion of us found "Silent Hill" to be a sucktacular underwhelming crapfest as far as houses go, it was definitely "a hit". So it'd make sense that they'd want to acquire RE for our event(s) this year.... HOWEVER, I know that some of you will be like "Ugh TWO zombie houses the same year!?" Keep in mind that RE has A LOT more than just zombies. And you can also look at HOS' 2011 event, they had Zombie Mortuary & a Zombie Prison house.
Of course, as much as I would love to see RE this year, it'd honestly make more sense to wait until next year to do it when RE:6 is released in theaters September 14th, 2014.
Dr Jimmy Clue Spec/Guess: "Kevin" (ask me)

- Cabin in the Woods
I've seen this mentioned previously a few pages back. I still have yet to see the movie. BUT, its rumored to be on our line-up for this year. Its a Lionsgate released film and we know that UNI has had a few Lionsgate houses at the event already. Now if you really want to make a stretch, you could point out the fact that CITW is a Joss Whedon written/produced movie... and HHN Hollywood worked with Joss Whedon in 2000 for their "Buffy/Angel: Hellmouth Haunt" maze. So its possible... However, despite the whole Lionsgate thing, I could see this rumored being replaced with the new "EVIL DEAD" film due to its popularity.
Dr Jimmy Clue Spec/Guess: "Kevin"

- La Llorona
As I mentioned in my previous post, I've heard this house rumored. I personally don't want to have this house. If we had to have a past HHN Hollywood house, I'd prefer a Pre-Hiatus house instead. (if you want to know specificly what houses, ask me).. Anyway, i agree that La Llorona might be too "OMGZ" for our event, its not really any worse than us having a BURNING children's orfanage in 2010... Another reason WHY we will most likely get this house is the fact that they know how successful our Urban Legend content does, 2008's event would be a good example seeing as it had Bloody Mary and more woven into houses/SZs that year.

- HAVOC 2.0/other
I saw someone mention Havoc previously a few pages back (either Heather or Christy)... Its rumored, BUT honestly, unless they make a signifcant monster aspect to the house, it'd just be the same thing we experienced in 2010. That'd be rather underwhelming. Of course there is also the fact that the cast(s) is what made the house. To me personally, it was kind of a "meh" house, but thats due to the fact that i was a military brat, so the military aspect did nothing for me "scare wise". Honestly, I'd like to know how exactly they'd get another cast that was on-par with the energy we saw in 2010.
Another theory is that we'll get a Nightingales sequel... personally, I don't see this happening this year though.
There is also the off chance that this could be a bogus rumor and we'll end up with something "NEW & ORIGINAL" instead..

One other rumor though, about Havoc returning is that they'll be getting a scarezone as well. I personally think they should do a SZ ONLY if they want to bring back the DOW's... I only say this because i'd rather have a SZ, leaving that house space for something "NEW"/"original" rather than a sequel. I know there are probably quite a few former Havoc scareactors that'd like to take it to the street.
PsychoScareapy was another house that shouldve been taken to the street... but thats another story entirely.

- Original house
This needs no explanation... just know we're supposed to have at least ONE! lol
Yikes. I've heard rumors for a lot of those already and I'm really hoping they prove to be wrong. I don't mind some of those ideas/IP's, but some of them are really unappealing to me. We'll see how this all plays out. :shrug:
IF you could come anywhere near our La Llorona's creativity with the mondo budget of Orlando's HHN, that could be an amazing house. If the property was truly understood, which I heard wasn't exactly the case with Alice Cooper (who Murdy is a huge fan of and thus pours his heart and soul into the material).

I'd much rather see Cabin in the Woods over Evil Dead, but Evil Dead is more popular and could provide plenty of scares. The two negatives about it would be: no Ash and a lot of timing based scenes of mutilation.

I love the show, but go away Walking Dead. I know you pull a lot of people in with your brand recognition. I know you're highest watched cable show ever. But go the eff away from HHN, please.

Would've rather have seen a house based on season 1 of AHS, but would still gladly take a season 2 house.