Hey guys!

Long time lurker here and I have some questions about HHN. Feel free to move this if there's a better thread for it.
So I'll be going to HHN on thursday, october 27th. One night, no express pass or anything (I'm going with a large group of friends that live in orlando, and I coudn't convince them to pay more for express). The thing is, I'll literally be flying into orlando on that same day. If there's no flight delays, I should be at Universal at around 5:30. But assuming there may be a slight delay, I may be a little "late" to the event, meaning I won't be right at the gates when they open.
If I arrive at Universal after gate opening, say 7:00-7:30, will I be completely screwed as far as wait times go? I'm asking because I went to HHN25 last year and we were first at the gates when they opened, we banged off 2 houses before the rest of the herd even got into the park and past the first scarezone. I may not get that head start this year.
Also, what are my chances of doing AHS? I really want to do it, obviously, but from what I'm hearing we're getting 100-160 minute waits every night, which I'm not doing. At around what time in the evening do wait times drop for AHS, IF they even do drop? And assuming I do make the gate-opining, is it best to run to AHS right at opening time, or will it already be full of stay-and-scream people?
I know I'm probably overthinking it all, but like I said, it's one night only, no express, and I'm literally flying to Orlando JUST for this event. Any other advice to make the most of my night would be appreciated!