If Universal is going to establish a year around haunt in Orlando I highly doubt it would be ST. They are more likely to use one of their more established properties .... like Universal Monsters!
The problem with Stranger Things is that there is no guarantee it will be a big property in ten years let alone in even two or three years.
Remember how big AHS was back at HHN26? The wait times were masssive. That was the house to see, so most folks did the Hello Kitty Stay and Scream. By 27 there were noticeable declines in wait times (although I thought they did an amazing job with the house). In the aftermath of of 27 lots of folks didn’t want to see AHS at another HHN.
I just use AHS as an example because it illustrates how tenuous recent properties are. So, I would anticipate a more established brand that has stood the test of time and something Comcast/Universal owns. Feel free to put me in my place ... just my two cents!
Edit: and that’s a big IF they even establish a year around haunt. Personally, I don’t want to see it. Leave it for HHN. We don’t need Christmas every day of the year.