So the current speculated lineup would look like:
-Stranger Things 2 + 3
-House of 1000 Corpses
-Leave it to the Cleaver 2
-Attack of the Swamp Yeti
-Original House #8
-Original House #9
-Original House #10
If this stuff ends up being true I can really see where they’re going for. There is definitely a lot of much wanted original stuff and fairly nice IPs to work with this year, but nothing that’ll make 30 seem smaller or less grand in comparison.
Stranger Things is still a huge get, but it isn’t gonna be like that forever so hitting the iron on both seasons while they’re hot is a good idea.
Ghostbusters would be a really big IP to bring to the event as well, but it isn’t what someone would immediately think of when they think of a haunt based off of a movie. It’s a little out there as an idea, but still worthwhile to do. Between putting GB on the books this year or next year, I think they made the right decision.
The rest of the IPs/Originals are all stuff that round out the event and are decently popular on their own, but wouldn’t really fit a true anniversary year quite right imo. Hellraiser/Freaks and HoTC are decently well-known properties but if they were the big IPs for 30 after we’ve gotten houses like TWD, TCM, Insidious, Halloween, NoES, etc. they might be a bit of a downgrade in recognizability a little bit. Leave it to the Cleaver 2 is the only I could see going into 30 but they probably have more than enough throwback houses lined up for next year so I could see this as a preview of things to come in a way.
Maybe I’m overthinking this. Is it the 14th yet?