So I thought about it and these 2 clues have to fit 2 of the codenames, which narrows down to: Pressure, Cotton, Onyx, Drill, Salt.
Based on what Legacy’s spec was earlier, Salt was an “original”, which seems to indicate it may be an IP rip-off house or maybe a sequel. If we’re looking at last year’s codenames as an indicator about A&D’s way of naming things, Poison and Zero were both sequel houses of things from 18. This year we have Pit which is a sequel from 21. What if Salt is a Forsaken sequel? Would fit with the clue of Sealab.”, and would fit with Legacy’s guess of “original” as Forsaken was a loose rip off of John Carpenter’s The Fog.
As for The Simpson’s clue, I think it would be Onyx. Something about it just seems right IMO, Onyx is a black stone and the clue is about colors and greyness. No clue what it would indicate but it just reminded me of the colors