I blame Ifrit.
But, seriously, this was supposed to be shared. Video and everything. I’m actually not really sure what changed.
I think given the discussion the past few days, we’ve basically confirmed (I think you did confirm) many of us expected an announcement the same day as the Ifrit stated. We are all completely confused by no announcement now.
I don't know anything for sure either, but it sounds like something got confirmed last minute that they weren't quite expecting to get confirmed, and Hollywood needed to make room for it.
The un-announced property was probably the easiest for Universal to drop.
Notice I said “if Hollywood lost anything”. That if would mean speculating on my part. That’s why I asked why people thought Hollywood lost something.
Given the fact that the announcement didn’t occur, and @Legacy’s recent posts, something changing makes sense. Or we were all wrong about something. Or both.
All that is sure is that speculation is actually fun this year. It’s nice trying to piece together clues again.
And there’s the mystery of why the social media team keeps referencing demons and sleep paralysis.
I tweeted about Succubi when they first did it thinking I’d figured out their intention. Nightingales can be compared to Succubi. We’ve, also, had Succubi at the event.
They mentioned the demon under your bed as well. That is traditionally the Boogeyman. We were suppose to get a Boogeyman type house in 2014. At least, that was the prevailing theory on what Ritual was. Ritual was Altared (From Dusk til Dawn) that year.
So, here’s some info about sleep paralysis demons:
Succubi and Incubi were associated with the phenomenon of sleep paralysis. The word nightmare is a compound word. A night mare was an female evil spirit thought to suffocate people in their sleep. Nightmares were caused by being “hag ridden”. It’s where haggard comes from.