I wanted to post this a while back but didn’t haven’t the chance here’s my hype list and thoughts on it.....
1- US (I was hesitant, then I heard rumblings... then I really thought about it and now it’s the IP i cant get out of my head)
1) Depths of fear (tied for first, this one started high for me, dropped with all the “it’s not what you think” talk, but is now high again)
2) House of 1000 Corpses (I’m not the biggest fan of this movie, but I can see this translating beautifully)
3) Graveyard Games (from what I’ve read and heard, I think this will be the sleeper hit)
4) Yeti (mostly I’m just intrigued)
5) Universal Monsters (I’m a sucker for the classics and I know that bias will make me love this no matter what)
6) Ghostbusters (this was my top.... now it’s not -shrug emoji-)
7) Nightengales (the original was one of the most intense houses I’ve been in at HHN and much like how I went into DE last year wanting it to feel as great as the first house... I really feel like I’ll walk away thinking it’s good but not as good)
8) Killer Klownz (I’m not a fan, but loved the scarezone... this house didn’t need to happen)
9) Stranger Things (y’all this one hurts the most. I was the #1 advocate for this house last year. This house has a lot to live up to quality and popularity wise. I don’t think it will hit either and absolutely will not exceed what Stranger Things was last year. Idk if it will suffer from such a heavily IP saturated year with IPs that appeal to different kind of fans but as much as it breaks my heart to say... I think ST should of ended on the high of last year.)
Side note: I think a lot of people are getting really caught up in thinking that tooth fairy was going to be something amazing... like it’s easy to look at that with Rose tinted glasses because it never really existed to us other than in speculation and in our minds where we could make the scariest / creepiest version of the house because the concept of a tooth fairy house is so broad really. But sometimes it’s good to sit back and think, wow maybe there’s a reason that’s the original idea that was scrapped and not one of the other 4 ya know? Just my two cents. It’s fine not to be excited for Us because you didn’t like the movie, but don’t hate it already just because omg it replaced tooth fairy and that was going to be so good! Cause like... what if tooth fairy was like carnival where every hyped it up to be this huge creative amazing thing and then it... wasn’t. (At least that seems to be the general consensus on that one)
Sorry for the wall of text, and this isn’t directed to anyone specifically obviously. I just had a lot of thoughts about the line up this year and I think my friends are sick of talking about hhn with me