I'm pretty sure there won't be a Jack scareactors in every house. But MAYBE a little Jack bobblehead or some other kind of easter egg to hide in each house like the honey badger thing. That could be a fun and interesting little thing for the diehards to try to find.
HHN has houses, zones, shows, food/merch and rides. Can't get Jack in the rides, but having him represented in the other 4 areas really is him being everywhere. Maybe a roaming Jack at all times, where he can literally walk anywhere in the park. That could be interesting...except for the fact that once he stops for 1 selfie there'd instantly be a line that stays 25 people deep wanting their selfie for an hour. Maybe some park-wide decorations. So like Jack flags or something outside of the zones. Or like he spraypainted his likeness all over the park with decals on walls and stuff.