Yeah, for me a San Francisco theater falling apart due to a Earthquake doesn't have the same connection to a condo straight-up collapsing on it's own. Add in the length of time to the event, I'm not expecting much change, if any.
Though I will add that in regards to the studio having Twister, mother nature wasn't kind to that attraction as just a few weeks before it's scheduled opening there was the Kissimmee Tornado Outbreak which was the deadliest tornado event in Florida's history. So it was completely understandable that was delayed by several months since that was very fresh in people's minds and it was more of a connection than what's being discussed.
UPDATE (Since no one else has posted yet, I might as well add this to the discussion regarding the TCM house.)
I know the gif is pretty self-explanitory, but that's from Droopy, Master Detective. Episode "The Monster Mob". With a mash-up of different monsters, that's definitely hinting at the TCM house going in a original spin with a mash up of the films in the series. It's probably the best way to get characters like Chop Top in the mix, as well as the good parts from the not-so-good sequels. Also, the Droopy episode takes place at a theme park, so you could lean into TCM 2 with the hint, even Texas Chainsaw 3D due to the fair segment.