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Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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Looks like a leak happened :lmao: :lmao:
Nope. In fact, it might not have to do with a house announcement at all:

Me: "I'm just wondering if something happened behind the scenes, considering IP first week of June has been rumored for a while."
Legacy: "No."
Me: "So did they just change the announcement schedule or something? If you're ok with answering ofc"
Legacy: "No. No change. What’s available just likely won’t be as extensive as most fans would hope."

My interpretation of that at least is that contrary to what most are thinking, FF will not be put up this week.
Ok just thinking out loud here and Im at zero caffeine so far.... if a company says "ok Uni you can use my movie for one of your haunted houses"... then Uni sets a date of lets say Aug 1st for the official announcement.... then July 1st it somehow gets leaked (ala Halloween that year on the tix kiosk in Walgreens or wherever it was).... why would the IP holders get upset about it? they get a whole month longer in advertising. It creates a month more of excitment for fans of that IP. I can see Uni wanting to keep their planned schedule of course.

I may have even asked this on a forum before now that I typing all this LOL

Hollywood people can be so entitled and pissy. I get that you want to have as much control over your IP as possible (which, that's fair). However, once you get paid for the right to use said IP in a massive Halloween haunt with a well known rabid fan base, you have to expect that sometimes things are going to happen. People talk.. not just here but in every industry. It's part of life. You simply have to work through it and figure out the best plan to make the most of it. Frankly, these people/companies that have pulled out of the event completely because some random fans figured out what was going on before they were ready to tell.. well, that's just childish and short-sighted. Further, it actually casts a negative light on the IP in my eyes, and I'm sure i'm not the only one.

Control of how their product is advertised and presented. They even probably approve of marketing materials and ads. A leak rustles feathers and makes rights owners second guess how professional and on top of it Universal is.

There is a whole division in UC now tracking and tackling leaks.

These announcements are planned well in advance almost down to the hour, and involve marketing asset creation, coordination with the IP holder, etc. So let's say it gets leaked on July 1st in your example, not seemingly a huge deal, except the IP holder had a whole campaign planned in conjunction with something else (maybe a TV show trailer release) all building to a head on Aug 1st. Assets created and social posts scheduled for July 15th as a teaser, marketing campaign with grocery stores set to go into effect July 22nd, press releases being written for July 31st and whatever else to follow. Now not only is that luster lost (and causing a mad scramble on their end to advance their timeline), maybe some contracts haven't even been signed yet and now there's some uncertainty, oh and also maybe IP holder #2 is now upset because their reveal was going to be July 10th and now their spot has been pre-empted.

No? Things get leaked, talked about, rumored, etc, ad nauseum throughout all of entertainment. It's part of the business, and it's a healthy sign of an extremely devout following. You're telling me that a pair of loose lips will derail months and months of planning and exorbant amounts of money spent on promoting said plan? If that were true, how do you explain Universal being able to consistently get big IPs every year, even though we figure out ahead of time what they are, every single year? The fact that someone on a forum thinks they yield that much power is an indication they may need to pick up an extra hobby or two, lol

everyone needs to think bigger, much bigger,
other companies outside of the studio rely on these releases, merchandise, specials, the text on the advertising alone might have a date that has to be changed for the trailer release or whatever,
stores like Hot Topic have merch to sell, do actors get involved too? does an early leak ruin something for the actors? how big does this go? other countries, advertising and merch for other countries?
seriously, for real, how much does an early leak hurt this entire process? its not about "free publicity" its about contracts, set days for special things, no?
So if how it took Legacy’s comment is that an IP won’t be announced now on the 6th, I hope Hollywood at least gets one of there exclusive.
So if how it took Legacy’s comment is that an IP won’t be announced now on the 6th, I hope Hollywood at least gets one of there exclusive.
Me: "So did they just change the announcement schedule or something? If you're ok with answering ofc"
Legacy: "No. No change. What’s available just likely won’t be as extensive as most fans would hope."

That to me says we're still getting a house announcement?
John Krasinski GIF by A Quiet Place Part II
I think @HHN Maddux is right — it still sounds like we're getting a house announcement on Thursday. Perhaps not the one many were thinking, though.
I hope so. But when I hear something like what Legacy posted, I temper what I expect. And that means I’m going with no house announcement now. Hopefully I’m wrong obviously. But I’ll tether be pleasantly surprised the disappointed
You joke but man would I love to see them try Silent Hill again (and fully planned this time!).
i keep hoping that resident evil and silent hill returned. they already had the costumes and stuff (What about a double feature) or bring Resident evil as a scarezone in New York the same way that Japan did it, have Nemesis on a tall stage, have Jill, have Chris.... resident evil scarezone please
If the Return to Silent Hill movie and SH2-remake are both successful I could see it happening relatively soon. It would be nice if HHN did a video game centric IP year imo. So many great horror games they can do
pfff the remake already has some backlash or controversy behind it lol
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