We have had Screamhouse 3 times, Pshycoscarepy 3 or 4 times. All Night drive In 2 times
Plus many other similarly themed houses.... Body Collectors had multiples and houses that had some variety, plus the Run Houses, and the Sprung bldg. houses etc. etc. etc. We could build an entire list! (And Also, The Caretaker was my favorite Icon too!!)
So needless to say, I don't think repeating themselves will be a concern. I think if anything... They'd want to create a kinda.... "Best Of..." Year. Something to feature the highlights of the last 20 years...
tiredoldspook said:
If it is a reunion Screamhouse and Psychoscarepy and Drive In would be a must IMO.
And I couldn't agree more. I'd like to see....
Screamhouse (The Caretaker)
Psychoscareapy (Jack)
Drive In/Movie Theme (The Director or The Usher)
... Sounding like Sweet 16 yet?
Body Collectors
Some form of an IOA house with The Jurassic Scientists, Marvel Villains, Treaks and Foons, Terra Queen, etc.... (That'd be hard to do cleanly though...)
Some form of Horror Classics House with Jason/Freddie/etc. or Frank/Drac/Mummy/etc. (Although that may be too similar to the past two years.)
A Space/Alien House
Etc... The list could go on. Truth is, that they've gotta try and put something together that will do previous HHN years justice, while still keeping the material and the horror fresh.