Okay so here is the jest of what's happened.
-The Puzzle was completed
-Individuals were given puzzle pieces (photographs)
-The last photograph was told not to be released but Ignatia coaxed the person into releasing it.
-Each symbol represented a past icon. Chaos-Jack, Death-Caretaker, Mythos-Storyteller, etc.
-When the puzzle was completed LT (specifically Mr. Fell and Ignatia; we have suspicion they are romantically involved.) started summoning the Sumerian God of Fear Adaru
-We aren't 100% on who is playing us. Legendary Truth has been "hacked" by Universal so at times we aren't sure who we are talking too.
-Legendary Truth probably has ulterior motives and is releasing this demon for power purposes, not to destroy it. LT has a history of releasing evil, like they did with the Bloody Mary case in 2008
-Sh**'s either going down today or tomorrow.
Some images for those following that has no clue of what is going on.
Credits to Rob Rage
Credits to Will "DinoPirate" Kroner
Credits to Chase "Dragon" Fowler
If you want to follow it more closely and not follow the thread on HNN then I suggest you Facebook stalk the hell out Legendary Truth.