facade will be emma and henry's house as you go through the back of the house [transitions between stories will be a title of the story in a hall]
yard - sam will pop out from multiple sheets, emma's corpse will be there sprung up, suddenly she comes to life to scare guests.
the principle - the kid will be on the stairs vomiting [dummy with water effects, drain will be on the floor], principle [actor] will be beside him talking to him about the rules [lip syncing dialogue from film], sam can be seen throught the windows of the house [ use of the atmosfearfx projection ].
surprise party - you then enter the forest where you pass dead bodies of boys as a wolf [dummy] howls, half transformed werewolf's will pop out from trees, as you exit a animatronic werewolf will scare guests.
school bus massacre - you pass by the bus submerged in the water as zombie versions of the kids will attack.
meet sam - you enter kreiggs house as kreigg will come out with a baseball bat, you pass by the stairs with the candy and razor blades on it, sam will be on the ceiling [dummy],kreiggs will come out with a shotgun and shoot sam spraying pumpkin guts at you, you then enter the bedroom as you pass the flaming pumpkin as sam will come out for a scare