So following up... went again last night... and same thing. Unless you have Early Entry, you will not be allowed to enter any houses until 7pm.
Confirmed this by talking to two different maze supervisors (DE: DV and Bloodlines). Both said that their superiors have informed them that even though their mazes open at 6:30 and 6:45 respectively, and are not "officially" on the Early Entry list, general admissions cannot even enter the queue until 7pm.
The DE: DV supervior even said he remembered me from last night, and while I can understand that it may not be his decision, he was pretty much a jerk in delivering the news and not apologetic at all, even though this is reversing a policy that has been otherwise for well over a decade or more now. They did let me into the Bloodlines queue early (prior to 7), but the supervisor there did admit they were not supposed to, and said the event is "evolving" and not everyone may yet be on the same page (especially when I mentioned that Monstrus let us in early). She was at least nicer about this news.
So just be warned: at least on paper, no GA tickets are supposed to be allowed into ANY maze until 7pm (and I noticed that is now printed directly on the wristband), but you may get lucky if that particular maze is not enforcing it or just don't notice. Honestly, I think this sucks and is totally a money grab to essentially force you to buy Early Entry.
If this policy continues, I don't really foresee myself getting FFP next year, because unless you can go/stay very, very late at night, there's not much value in it anymore.