I don't think there has to be an upcharge or time limit. HOS at SeaWorld managed some awesome themed bars just fine last year (in their first event year, mind you), and one thing they had that we at HHN won't - air conditioning! Several of their themed bars were indoors, even had actors and performances going on, but people had drinks and kept moving after a short break. Most people aren't going to spend an hour sitting in a bar when there's a whole event outside - and I'm someone who thinks the specialty drinks are a key factor of a Halloween event. Even my group kept moving after grabbing a drink and pictures and taking it all in. To me this is an answer to what SeaWorld did last year (and is doing again this year), and they're smart to do it. We've long since needed a "full bar" alternative to Finns and Chez, ever since they took liquor bottles out of the bar tents in 2017.