*waves hi* I'm still tired... BUT I did get a pic of the JP tent while at the park yesterday. I will post it later tonight.
While heading down the Starway, I ended up taking the middle escalator for the long journey instead of the one on the right so I could get a pic of the Mummy area (I was distracted singing along to "I Want Candy" from "HOP"

h34r: ), but from what I could tell, no movement has been made in regards to construction yet... and as Murdy said, that will be "Exorcist".
As for the loss of a maze location. Ouch. I'm curious to find out what location that would be. Honestly... Only 3 locations come to mind that would potentially be affected by something, whether its park related or studio related. The 3 that I'm guessing- Parisian Courtyard, Mummy, or SS747.
As for new locations... I still say they need to find a way to work with Waterworld... because that location was used in the past & I say it can be used again. Murdy likes to claim it can't be done due to Waterworld being popular... I call BS. Why?... Many years of HHN Orlando.. B&T is (and always will be) a very popular show, it was next to The Jaws Ride, between these two was a house located in the overflow queue of JAWS. The houses there would dump out of the normal ride entrance.. So you had a ride, house, & show all next to each other.
Since Waterworld is NOT performing during HHN (nor is the theatre used at night), I don't see why they can't make it work with careful planning. There is plenty of queue space for Waterworld & it can easily be reworked. I can't find anything on "Creature From the Black Lagoon: Monsterquarium" maze that they had there in 1997. Wish there were pics from back then.
You've got the current dining area that is formerly the Gibson entrance that could be used, which we've pointed out already. Even just after being at the park yesterday, there really isn't space to expand the event without obtaining new backlot locations OR acquiring another SS or two.