Once again I wanted to address this myth that there was ever a plan to run 7 trains at once. There was NEVER ANY intention to run 7 trains on HRRR. It is simply not possible as the coaster was specifically designed to run 5 trains. And they have been doing that since it's second month in operation. First of all Universal only owns 7 trains. The operational plan is 5 trains on the track, 1 train sitting ready in the garage, and 1 train in refurb. And you can simply look at the track layout and anyone who knows how multi train coaster work can count the block brakes and tell you the max # of trains posslible on the track at anytime. And for HRRR that is 5. There ALWAYS has to be a set of block breaks between moving trains. That means that you can have one train (1) in the station/lift hill, one (2) in the treble cleff, one (3) in the croud surfer, one (4) in the "Plot Twist" turnaround and one (5) between the last block brakes and the final break run into the station.
The 7 train thing was started by rabid fanbois who, armed with a number (7), whip up their own outrage simply because they HATE this coaster.