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Horror Movies Thread

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Honestly... just let the Resident Evil cinematic dream die.

It'll just never be the games and that's fine! They'll always be there to be re-played.
Honestly... just let the Resident Evil cinematic dream die.

It'll just never be the games and that's fine! They'll always be there to be re-played.
if it's not a TV show I agree. movies aren't long enough. netflix completely destroyed their RE show, but a show is still the only way to go about it.
Honestly I think it could work. Especially with a director like Creggar. There's potential here!
depends on the script but a movie is too short to cover everything, is he gonna go back to the mansion? is it gonna have the research facility? giant animals?
I cannot see any movie fully adapting the first game. there's too many crazy things on it
depends on the script but a movie is too short to cover everything, is he gonna go back to the mansion? is it gonna have the research facility? giant animals?
I cannot see any movie fully adapting the first game. there's too many crazy things on it
Maybe it could be based on 7? I just don't see them tackling the original games right now after they tried that a few years ago. A movie based on 7 would be really cool
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A movie based on Biohazard just sounds like a very generic horror film. Spooky cabin in the woods, cool creatures but nothing super creative, an aping of the TCM family, just mostly things we've seen before.

The greatness of RE7 comes from how firmly implanted into the world you are by playing Ethan in a first person perspective. Take that away and put it all into a third person frame and you lose a lot of the magic.

It should be beyond easy to make a RE film. Spooky mansion. Special forces team. Zombies. Monsters. Third act science lab twist. Easy. But they keep mucking it up in just the worst ways imaginable. I didn't hate Welcome to Racoon City but it's attempt to cram multiple games together muddles it so much. At least it felt somewhat faithful in tone and style.

In it's own weird way, I'm kind of alright with having the adaptations we have and enjoying them for their own dumb quirks and unique takes. I'm fine if we don't ever get more straight 1 to 1 versions.
Keanu Reeves acting in Bram Stoker’s Dracula reminds me of Katie Holmes in Batman Begins- physically i could buy him as a guy creeped out and vexed by Count Dracula’s bizarre behavior, but every time he talks it’s just… there. I read somewhere that I think he was doing some movies back to back during this production, so he was burnt out and that was why his performance was odd. The Dracula/Mina romance was horrible. Anthony Hopkins was the best element of the whole movie, even if his Van Helsing was kind of a lunatic.

As for Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the superior film of the two. This was the first time I’ve seen a Robert De Niro movie (unless he was in Joker, I don’t remember if he was there), and he did a great job as the Creature. The soundtrack was less memorable though.
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Keanu Reeves acting in Bram Stoker’s Dracula reminds me of Katie Holmes in Batman Begins- physically i could buy him as a guy creeped out and vexed by Count Dracula’s bizarre behavior, but every time he talks it’s just… there. I read somewhere that I think he was doing some movies back to back during this production, so he was burnt out and that was why his performance was odd. The Dracula/Mina romance was horrible. Anthony Hopkins was the best element of the whole movie, even if his Van Helsing was kind of a lunatic.

As for Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the superior film of the two. This was the first time I’ve seen a Robert De Niro movie (unless he was in Joker, I don’t remember if he was there), and he did a great job as the Creature. The soundtrack was less memorable though.

I still prefer dracula to Frankenstein, even with Keanu's acting, the biggest problem was forcing him to do an accent. " Coppola said this about it: We knew that it was tough for him to affect an English accent. He tried so hard. That was the problem, actually — he wanted to do it perfectly and in trying to do it perfectly it came off as stilted. I tried to get him to just relax with it and not do it so fastidiously. So maybe I wasn’t as critical of him, but that’s because I like him personally so much. To this day he’s a prince in my eyes."
Our marathon wrapped up with When Evil Lurks, another Argentine horror film. This is tremendously messed up but in a surprisingly watchable way. It's quite violent and, at times, shocking, but absolutely worth a watch if you're in the right headspace.

Ooooh, When Evil Lurks is a good one! Fully agreed it's f'd up and shocking, but it absolutely works with the story it tells and the shocking moments are pretty effective. It's a bleak one, but still entertaining.

Also, it was done by the same director/writer who gave us Terrified, which is one heck of a paranormal ride which I recommend.
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APARTMENT 7A, the ROSEMARY'S BABY prequel, is now streaming on Paramount+, and it's... kinda just there. Good lead performance from Julia Garner, but the writing holds exactly zero surprises for anyone with any familiarity with ROSEMARY'S BABY.

Of the trilogy of religious pregnancy horror movies of 2024, I rank them as such:


And there goes my interest in concluding the rest of the series (I only watched the first few episodes). I have no desire in watching shows that ended before their story arc is properly resolved.
I haven't watch it all but it feels like 3 seasons was more than enough? I need to watch the rest of it, but I'm surprised it got more than one

And there goes my interest in concluding the rest of the series (I only watched the first few episodes). I have no desire in watching shows that ended before their story arc is properly resolved.

I mean, it's Chucky. It will be continued in some form or fashion regardless of whether it's a continuation of the show on another avenue or if he returns to feature length, whether it's in theater or straight to streaming. There's a fanbase there and Mancini has already said the killer doll will return!
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And there goes my interest in concluding the rest of the series (I only watched the first few episodes). I have no desire in watching shows that ended before their story arc is properly resolved.

I’d say check it out. The show’s storyline continues the storylines all the films set up. So it’s safe to say that any future Chucky content would continue this storyline, in some fashion