Well, here are some random comments I have after visiting last night:
-There seemed to be a (over?)use of large heads of different sorts that pop out at guests (such as a giant crocodile or... well some of them weren't identifiable lol) in many of the houses, several of which I know did not have them last year. Some of them really don't make sense, though, haha.
-I know a lot of people disliked the Zombie Containment Unit because of the fact that the zombies were almost always unable to "attack" anyone, but I still thought it was a great house, and certainly should be brought back, though hopefully in the future they can figure out a way to avoid having the zombies perpetually stunned by guests.
-Death Water Bayou is still gives the biggest scares (other than The Experiment), with the two scare actors who flew at me in the same room being the only things causing me to actually jump in fear the entire night.
-Deadfall was well-themed, and probably the most un-cheesy house I saw all night (not to say any of them are bad, it's just that some are a little less serious)