I'm guessing they're taking a different stance than Disney. Comcast has "always been a very aggressive" company. It looks like they're making good on their park expansion promises. So that alone will increase capacity. Plus, indications are strong the third park is coming. I think everything will be fine on capacity. As we've all pointed out before, Universal's only real weakness is the lack of a Disney night show. If they did that they could spread the crowds around even more by keeping later park hours, thus increasing capacity in that regard. Universal is really AP friendly, with lots of special AP stuff. My guess is that they will continue to return the loyalty to APH, partly because the APH probably saved the park during its dark days under the previous two ownership groups,. And, even more important, it makes good business sense. Local APH is usually largely recession proof and provides a comfort zone during national economic downturns. Comcast didn't become so big so fast without having really smart business sense. They've never been a company to rest on their laurels. They only know one speed, fast forward. This from a person living in Pa., that has followed them since they were only one of a ton of state cable companies.