I'm picturing the ride is about us going to see Jurassic Park's new efforts in training Raptors, so lots of videos about Raptors and the history of the park play overhead throughout the queue, and then as we approach the end of the line we see an actor in front of animatronic raptors in cages (whether in person or on a big TV) about to present the new training techniques when UH-OH! there has been a power outage and the Raptors have escaped!
Turns out they may not have been as well trained as we said, so for your safety quickly make your way to the remote controlled jeeps and we will get you out of harms way until these clever girls can be captured.
The coaster is then us trying to stay one step ahead of the raptors, the sounds of them running, hissing and breathing will be playing on speakers in the headrests. We move quickly through the forests and around buildings, occasionally going through holes in fences that they chewed, "They're gaining on us! Lets go up and over this research station" for hills, and finally we pull into the station to see that the Raptors are back in their cages "You weren't in any real danger (Raptor nips at his finger) Er, probably. Enjoy your time at Jurassic Park!"
While I would prefer more up-close time with animatronic Dinosaurs, I still miss Triceratops Encounter, I think this could work.