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Jurassic World

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Did you seriously just compare us to MiceAge because of a disagreement regarding a first cut trailer?
I watched the original a couple months ago for the first time in a while and even though the movie is 21 years old, the dinosaurs look more realistic than stuff I've seen today with CGI. I'm excited for J-World, but the trailer left something to be desired. (and not because it was just a trailer)
I saw a thread discussing the Mosasaur shots today, and geeez, they went WAY overboard in their depiction of it's size in the trailer. The real thing would have been less than the length of the head they portrayed. Even genetic re-engineering couldn't have pulled that size off. The real thing was 40-60' while the one displayed in the trailer is probably 300' long (extrapolating).
I can't wait to see the GGI on the 2nd Star Wars trailer if the one released today was only crappy first cut stuff...........:drool:
I can't wait to see the GGI on the 2nd Star Wars trailer if the one released today was only crappy first cut stuff...........:drool:

Yeah, its too bad the Star Wars trailer was only in 30 theaters and not posted online anywhere...I mean there's no hype about it at all! :-X
The trailer is laughable in my opinion. The dialogue and dramatic cuts are so textbook it looks like it was done to spoof other trailers. I'm not one to judge a movie by the preview but boy did that just reek of staleness and cliches.

You must be talking about the Star Wars trailer
Yes, that is the idea. If you look really closely at the trailer, you can see guests wearing them in a few different colors.

It would be awesome if that is part of the plot point, that the smarter dino finds and chases people wearing the magic bands :lol: