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Jurassic World

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Am I the only one that thinks this movie looks absolute garbage?

Well, I guess that, because you are the only one that has seen the movie, you are entitled. I think the trailers are at times hinky in that they are tossing them out there unfinished due to extremely high demand and anticipation... but because I love the franchise and reserve respect for the editing process and a clever script, I am keeping high hopes for the actual movie once completed.
Am I the only one that thinks this movie looks absolute garbage?

I think it looks very cliche' and by-the-numbers...that doesn't mean it'll be garbage but it's a bad quality for a movie to have more often than not in my opinion. Then again, I don't have the insane love for Jurassic Park that a lot of people seem to have. Fandom is a powerful thing.
Most people don't really care what the critics say. Generally, the big blockbusters get lackluster reviews and the critics love the movies no one goes to see. The bottom line is what the people want to see. We won't know what JP4 is like until it actually debuts to the general movie going public.
As a theme park lover? How could you not think this looks bad-ass. It goes back to what the original was about and this time, it's a new E-ticket gone wrong. I love the story.
Well, I guess that, because you are the only one that has seen the movie, you are entitled. I think the trailers are at times hinky in that they are tossing them out there unfinished due to extremely high demand and anticipation... but because I love the franchise and reserve respect for the editing process and a clever script, I am keeping high hopes for the actual movie once completed.

Oh come on teebs I didn't say the movie was garbage I said looks garbage... Appears garbage..... as in from the trailer.
It looks too cheesy and too over the top (yes even more than the first three). I think it looks camp and silly it looks like the dino equivalent of "a good day to die hard" compared to the first die hard movie.
I did...

At the moment to me it looks like it's going to be way more JPIII than JP.
I'm not sure if this has been posted, but even if so, sheer hotness warrants posting again.
