I'm not trying to draw this out, but of those movies mentioned, none of them have the spectacle element that something like JP has. I don't want to use Avatar as an example, so I won't

. I'll use Gravity. Seeing Gravity in IMAX 3D is going to be a different experience than seeing it in 2D on a big screen and even more of a difference on a 40 inch TV.
For instance. I saw The Descent at home and thought it was well-made, but didn't scare me or make me uncomfortable. I saw it again a year later in a film class (our film classes at SFSU were in big theaters) on a film print with the full surround sound. I was shocked by how terrifyingly claustrophobic that movie became with the sound of every little pebble scratching audibly against a character. You may not think it has an impact, but until you experience it both ways, you'll never know.