I'm gonna try and watch this within the next week. BvS turned me off of the DCEU massively. Not to the point where I just wouldn't watch anymore at all, but it really turned me off of the original DCEU specifically. So I literally have never seen Suicide Squad or Justice League and only watched Man of Steel for the first time *yesterday*. And i'll say this - I actually really enjoyed Man of Steel for what it was. I still had some issues with it and I feel like a lot of things weren't earned and the character development wasn't quite there, but overall I enjoyed it.
Now just because I have sort of been out of the loop on those films doesn't mean I don't watch the DC stuff still. I'm seen both Wonder Woman movies, Aquaman, and Shazam. And outside of the DCEU is where I really feel like they're hitting it out of the park. Joker, Wacthmen, Doom Patrol. Plus with the upcoming The Batman and with James Gunn's The Suicide Squad, I thought why should I even bother with some of that early DCEU stuff? It felt irrelevant.
But I do want to watch this, but I plan on doing it without watch Joss Whedon's Justice League first. I'll eventually watch that version, but I want to just this film as it's own thing without having another film in my mind i'm constantly comparing it to. I'll be real though, the prospect of 4 hours of a 4:3 aspect ratio movie doesn't necessarily thrill me.