See, just because you asked that and ignored the rest of the excellent post below is insulting and disrespectful enough to the member base that's trying to carry on with intelligent discussion.
For the millionth time. What HTF said isn't gospel truth carried down from the mountain, written on stone tablets. He's been wrong before, and he'll be wrong again. He'll be the first one to admit that. He also damn sure doesn't know everything. HTF wasn't the one who broke the news about HP taking over Jaws, just to name a big one. To discount other knowledgeable people on here is rude, stupid, and disrespectful.
There are plenty of legitimate rumors to discuss. But just because HTF doesn't deny the possibility of My Little Pony, doesn't mean that's a legitimate idea. People have the capacity to think for themselves. Others besides HTF possess the abilities of critical thinking, and the apparently so difficult to ascertain notion of common sense.
People come to this website because OU is known for the best insider information, and that's not just from HTF. They know what they read here will be intelligent conversation. Not the same people, causing discussions to run around in the same circles, because they don't want to accept that an idea won't happen. If you want to go somewhere that throws every piece of crap to the wall and hopes it sticks, there's a very popular news site you can go to for that. But that's not here.
Reputation awarded for this gold mine of a post. Thank you, you hit the nail on the head, and it annoys me to no end that all Accio got out of this was "who shot it down!?"
Just because I'm sticking up for others who don't know INSIDER INFORMATION doesn't mean you should label me as somebody who is just a dreamer and doesn't know jack. Who cares if I think DC could possibly happen? and not everybody has shot it down. There hasn't been confirmation that it will never happen.
- - - Updated - - -
You're not sticking up for anything other than an idea that logically won't happen. I'm labeling you as someone who has an idea, has it shot down due to a myriad of issues and roadblocks, and then continues to repeat the idea could happen because you apparently don't understand how logic works. Name me one person who actually believes there's a good shot of DC coming, and then I want them to navigate around the issues many of us here have pointed out. Then, I want them to tell me if Universal would want to risk going through all that trouble.
There will
never be confirmation that something won't happen. Do you realize how inane that sounds? Do you think Universal releases a laundry list of properties that they've decided to confirm will
never come to their parks? They haven't confirmed GI Joe isn't coming to their parks, so that means it must be a real possibility and worth spending 3+ pages discussing it when we have nothing to go on besides a fan's hopes and dreams. If you want to live in this fantasy world, I suggest you create your own Blue Sky thread for what you want *your* Universal park that isn't inhibited by legal and practical realities. But stop bringing it up here.
Frankly, nobody cares what you think. Just nobody wants to hear it anymore.
And you're right. It was everyone and their mother.
Zing! But yeah, again, no one wants to hear it. Please, please take it somewhere else.
So your saying I'm the only one who brings up DC? That's a lie. I'm not being disrespectful at all. Who on here knows it will never happen? I guess I better never bring up anything that hasn't been 100 percent confirmed as an attraction for Universal ever again lol
You're constantly being disrespectful by rejecting our requests to take your DC discussion somewhere else, and then claiming you won't listen to anyone's reasoned arguments unless they're HTF. The guy's great, but as JTS already pointed out, he isn't god, and the rest of us have brains, too.
Please bring up and discuss ideas that might logically make sense being at Universal - ones that have a chance of actually happening, either some sort of evidence from Universal itself or strong insider buzz. There's obviously no shortage of things to discuss... hell, we're in the KING KONG thread, there's the Jurassic Park expansion, a new Nighttime Show for Islands, a possible Toon Lagoon replacement, Diagon Alley, a KidZone redo, and a potential Smurfs and/or Lorax ride. Seriously, we don't need to be clogging up these threads with your DC nonsense.
I need to buy USO92 a beer. Just sayin'.
I need to buy half of the people in this thread a beer.