Hi, all! :wave:
I don't post often, but I'm always lurking!
I'm a New Yorker who loves Florida and visits Orlando as often as possible. Disney's cool, but Universal holds a special place in my heart. I don't consider myself a theme park fan so much as I am an Orlando-based theme park fan (though I've been to Cedar Point a bunch of times, and I like it there!).
I'm not shy with regard to posting, but I'm not familiar with a lot of the technicalities and even have trouble following aspects of the conversation from time to time (for example, I had to Google 'Intamin'). However, as I learn more and more about the industry, I'll probably contribute more often. I'm a Potter fan, and I didn't follow the Phase I construction, so I'm very excited to be following Phase II.
Everyone here seems great, and I love all of the sneak peeks and insider information that I never seemed able to find elsewhere.