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Make your own HHN

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Alright, So I've been coming up with an idea for a full scale HHN event. These houses won't have elaborate descriptions or anything, they'll just be ideas I came up with while I was bored. Anyways, lets get to the houses. First up we have "Jaws: Attack On Amity" obviously the title is based off the anime Attack On Titan. House 2: Volcania: Escape From Pompeii, A house based on the joke that Lava Zombies were gonna be featured at HHN29, now that joke is a reality. House 3: Overboard: Rise Of The Undead (my own original idea) Basically, I had the idea of what if a mad scientist was experimenting on humans in the middle of a crowded Cruise Ship and turning them into monstrosities unlike anything anyboody has seen.. This will be a thread, it'll only be houses. no scarezones or shows. Second post with 3-4 houses will be coming up in a bit.
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Alright, So I've been coming up with an idea for a full scale HHN event. These houses won't have elaborate descriptions or anything, they'll just be ideas I came up with while I was bored. Anyways, lets get to the houses. First up we have "Jaws: Attack On Amity" obviously the title is based off the anime Attack On Titan. House 2: Volcania: Escape From Pompeii, A house based on the joke that Lava Zombies were gonna be featured at HHN29, now that joke is a reality. House 3: Overboard: Rise Of The Undead (my own original idea) Basically, I had the idea of what if a mad scientist was experimenting on humans in the middle of a crowded Cruise Ship and turning them into monstrosities unlike anything anyboody has seen.. This will be a thread, it'll only be houses. no scarezones or shows. Second post with 3-4 houses will be coming up in a bit.
A jaws original haunt...actually sounds pretty dang interesting. It could be like Depths Of Fear mixed with the CFTBL scene in Universal Monsters last year.
Continued.. House 4: Doom Eternal, obviously a house based on the video game franchise Doom, no explanation necessary. moving on.. House 5: Deep Below: The Awakening (another original idea of mine) This is probably one of my most elaborate ideas for a house with FULL scene descriptions for scenes 1-3, but I'll elaborate later on another post..This house is basically like a hybrid of Depths Of Fear and Terror Mines from HHN15. Moving on to house 6: Halloween (2018) A house that is based on a movie that I love alot, and I feel it can work extremely well as a house. House 7: Slaughter Sinema: Take Two, obviously my own idea for a sequel to Slaughter Sinema.. That house that has us return to the infamous Carey Drive In for a new showing of sinister B-Movies. House 8: The Fog: Dead Rising, I feel like The Fog is a very under represented movie, and having a house based on it at HHN would give the movie its own chance to shine. House 9: Distorted Reality (another original idea of mine, the line up will be split 5 IPS, and 5 originals) This is another one of the houses that has an elaborate description, this and Deep Below ae very elaborate house wise. and the last one, House 10: The Thing, A house that deserves to make a comeback.
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Ok guys, dumb idea, but do y'all think this will make a good haunt? I know it's a low budget horror movie, but it has potential
Ok so, after Lighthouse...should I do Hereditary? I think it could have potential, it just has to be semi-original. if anyone wants to suggest stuff for it for ideas, feel free to reply.
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(my small brain left my discord tag here, removed it because don't want people to dox me there)
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So I just thought of the craziest haunt idea ever known to man.

so after Ghostbusters and the rumored Beetlejuice, I thought to myself what non horror movies out there would make good haunts...then I saw Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas.

Now hear me out, there’s actually tons of scenes they can do (bat county, the weird monster bar, that satan Gonzo), and I think it can make a good I.P./original haunt. I will be totally down to do a room layout soon if anyone wants to see.
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So I just thought of the craziest haunt idea ever known to man.

so after Ghostbusters and the rumored Beetlejuice, I thought to myself what non horror movies out there would make good haunts...then I saw Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas.

Now hear me out, there’s actually tons of scenes they can do (bat county, the weird monster bar, that satan Gonzo), and I think it can make a good I.P./original haunt. I will be totally down to do a room layout soon if anyone wants to see.
I would really love to see it! Although would it be 3D or no?
Before I finish the last room tomorrow, here's a moc up a friend did on Instagram (thrilloverload)
So I've been coming up with a house idea, its a pretty interesting idea. Problem is: I don't have a name for it. lemme show you the description so you can decide what to name this haunt. Heres the plot: Years before Ghost Town (This house is a prequel to Ghost Town from HHN Orlando) experienced the boom due to the gold rush, there was this small house located in the middle of the desert near Lightning Gulch, these red hooded men would always walk into the house carrying a sack of...something. One day, A resident of the town saw what was in the sack, the red hooded men were carrying wendigo wall mounts. these red hooded men believed that wendigo would cleanse the souls of town lawbreakers, basically they worshipped wendigo. and they had the belief that wendigo would punish the lawbreakers for their crimes. One day, one of the townspeople caught these men carrying a wagon, the wagon had wendigo head inside, unbeknownst to the residents, these red hooded men were hiding a dark secret.. they would stuff lawbreakers into wendigo heads, turning them into abominations! Thats my idea for a house, can a draw the facade for me? and help me pick a name for it, I have a general idea for the facade.
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Reactions: Michael S biggest project is finally done. Hope you guys enjoy it.
Halloween Horror Nights: Enternal Darkness

The past has reawoken, spirits and demons of past and present remerge for their revenge on being shunted into the darkness for so long, long live eternal darkness!

The Boys: Homelander's Madness
-ST Soundstage-

Scary Tales: A New Chapter of Fear
-Parsian Courtyard-

The Asylum: Under New Management!
-The Mummy Queue-

Horror Nights: Dreadful Beginnings
-Waterworld Queue-

Twilight Zone: A New Dimension Of Fear
-US Tent-

NOES: Dream A Little Nightmare
-Pandora Tent-

Carnival Of Carnage: Jack's Revenge!
-Creepshow Tent-

Clive Barker's: Calvcade Of The Damnation
-Frankenstein Tent-

Friday The 13th: Return To Camp Blood!
-Ghostbusters tent-
I have a new house idea, the house will be called 'Metallica: Portal To Darkness.' the basic premise will be that in the middle of recording their latest song 'Portal To Darkness' a rift has opened up in the recording studio, when the wall panels open up (just two doors painted to blend in with the wall) another dimension is unveiled, one home to sinister creatures ripped from Metallica's songs. The first few scenes will take place in the recording studio itself, where the walls open up revealing a portal to a nightmarish dimension. After this, we progress through the infamous HHN revolving tunnel with a huge amount of strobe lights, and flashing neon lights. First up is Enter Sandmsn, we're placed in a bedroom, that seems normal, but has a sinister undertone. we're being stalked by the boogeyman, there's three scares in this scene: the boogeyman pops out from under the bed, from the closet door, and from a picture frame in the hallway that opens up (similar to Krampus from HHN26). Enter Sandman could be in sync with the scare. the moment the singer says "Hush little baby don't say a word, nevermind the noise you heard." the boogeyman pops out from under the bed for a good scare. Next Song, 'Now That We're Dead' this is a unique scene, in that this scene will be split into two. First half is a Cemetary with the undead popping out of their graves, we briefly enter an overgrown mausoleum with the undead rising up from coffins. Second half is pretty unique, we're now in the underworld, red rocks outline the path, we can feel the heat, and then BAM! A skeleton holding an Electric Guitar pops out from behind one of the red rocks, this scene is mostly filled with scares from the skeletons holding electric guitars popping out from behind the red rocks, we enter a tunnel of strobe lights, and enter the last song scene. we're now in 'To Whom The Bell Tolls.' A major city has been taken over by the undead, we exit the strobe tunnel, and are in the sewers deep below the city, we can hear water dripping, an infected sewage treatment worker lunges out at us wielding a bloody pickaxe (a reference to My Bloody Valentine) we progress through the sewers with more infected sewage treatment workers lunging out at us. we exit the sewers, and are now in a back alleyway, to our left and to our right are two GIANT facades with two infected residents lunging at us from the fire escape stairs, we can hear a news broadcast being played on the television inside. another infected resident pops out of a broken apartment window to our left (holding a bloody baseball bat) we get one final scare from another infected resident wearing a metallica shirt. we enter the final strobe light tunnel, and enter the final scene. we're back at the recording studio, the whole studio has turned into chaos. The dark entity has escaped from the portal, and has now possessed all the band members of Metallica. the security guards are also possessed. and the studio has turned into a madhouse. most of the scares will be coming from possessed band members/possessed security guards. the house ends with one final scare from the demonic entity itself. So what do you all think of my house idea?
Halloween Horror Nights: The Darkness Of Hallow'd Castle.

The Boys:
A Comic Book Blood-Bath!
(Waterworld Queue)

Urban Legends: The Catacombs Of Hallow'd Castle.
(ST Soundstage)

Rob Zombie's: The FireFly Trilogy.
(Parisian Courtyard)

Frankenstein: A Tale Retold in Hell
(Mummy Queue)

Mine Shaft: The Curse Of The Skin Snatchers.
(Ghostbusters Tent)

Flickered Images: Welcome To HellGate Prison
(Pandora Tent)

Jordan Peele's: The Twilight Zone.

(Us Tent)

Army Of Darkness: A MedEVIL Massacre.
(Frankenstein Tent)

Creepshow: A New Tale Of Nightmares

(Creepshow Tent)

Fight Club: Welcome To Project Mayhem
(The Tent behind Creepshow)
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So I've been coming up with a house idea, its a pretty interesting idea. Problem is: I don't have a name for it. lemme show you the description so you can decide what to name this haunt. Heres the plot: Years before Ghost Town (This house is a prequel to Ghost Town from HHN Orlando) experienced the boom due to the gold rush, there was this small house located in the middle of the desert near Lightning Gulch, these red hooded men would always walk into the house carrying a sack of...something. One day, A resident of the town saw what was in the sack, the red hooded men were carrying wendigo wall mounts. these red hooded men believed that wendigo would cleanse the souls of town lawbreakers, basically they worshipped wendigo. and they had the belief that wendigo would punish the lawbreakers for their crimes. One day, one of the townspeople caught these men carrying a wagon, the wagon had wendigo head inside, unbeknownst to the residents, these red hooded men were hiding a dark secret.. they would stuff lawbreakers into wendigo heads, turning them into abominations! Thats my idea for a house, can a draw the facade for me? and help me pick a name for it, I have a general idea for the facade.
“Hail the Flesh: Cult of the Wendigo”
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Halloween Horror Nights: The Darkness Of Hallow'd Castle.

The Boys:
A Comic Book Blood-Bath!
(Waterworld Queue)

Urban Legends: The Catacombs Of Hallow'd Castle.
(ST Soundstage)

Rob Zombie's: The FireFly Trilogy.
(Parisian Courtyard)

Frankenstein: A Tale Retold.
(Mummy Queue)

Mine Shaft: The Curse Of The Skin Snatchers.
(Ghostbusters Tent)

Flickered Images: Welcome To HellGate Prison
(Pandora Tent)

Jordan Peele's: The Twilight Zone.

(Us Tent)

Army Of Darkness: A MedEVIL Massacre.
(Frankenstein Tent)

Creepshow: A New Tale Of Nightmares

(Creepshow Tent)

HHN: Legend's Of Fear and Mayhem
(The Tent behind Creepshow)
I'd thought about a Boys haunt idea as well (it's actually kinda based around the TV-series than the comic book), although Stormfront (the comic book version) isn't gonna be in this house right?
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