None of them are truly "immersive" to me. They all require the suspension of disbelief. Or as I like to call it, apathy level. I always say that I am not really a fan of AAs. But that's not true. I just think they are really difficult to use and it not look like a wax museum. I like the goblins in Gringott's. The Hall of Presidents is a mixed bag. I love all the guys hanging out and swaying and fidgeting behind the obvious motorized wax figure "talking" up front. Back in the '70s the way Disney presented things was cool because it was new and amazing. Now it's quaint and nostalgic. But I'm really ok with this not being another slow drag through a wax museum. Been there, done that about a thousand times. For me, screens or AAs, I don't really care as long as you show me something cool with extra points going to things with some real depth. These new Mickey shorts are pretty sharp and some of the more clever stuff to come from the Disney company in quite a while. So I am hopeful that they will show me something cool with this one.