Nice thread...I've been going to USF since before it was officially open to the public. My mother worked at Lombard's Landing and we got a sneak preview.
My best memories were
Riding E.T. for the first time, I was about 11 years old,
Seeing Hanna Barbera, especially the interactive games outside of the ride.
Enjoying the Miami Vice Stuntacular with the boat in the middle that would rip apart, and all of the other pyro effects
Seeing from Kirkman Rd. the Psycho House decked out with Christmas lights, I believe, the Christmas before the park officially opened.
Being in Hard Rock Cafe as they had everybody dancing and singing with the lights dimming and brightening to the song "Shout!"
Watching the Slime Geyser at Nick Studios back when it was still a fresh white color, then eventually turned green over the years. Yes, the old days of Nickelodeon were the best.
Going through "How to make a Mega Movie Deal"
Seeing the very first "Fright Nights" before it became HHN, they had some great concerts, magic shows and only IIRC ONE haunted house.
Also, one note about replacing iconic attractions like King Kong with ones like the Mummy. Universal has had a good track record of making attractions that are either:
A.) Designed to have mass appeal, even if the guests aren't that familiar with the actual source, examples, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Shark Attacks, Shooting Aliens. Not everyone may be familiar with the actual movies they portray, but they easily understand the concepts. I mean, before Earthquake turned into Disaster! how many people who went and enjoyed it, remembered the movie itself from the 70's? I doubt many.
B.) Designed to take advantage of a pop culture franchise, with the idea of eventually replacing it (Alfred Hitchcock, Shrek, Back to the Future)...the attractions are not that difficult to overhaul. Having said that, I suppose Universal isn't playing the same way in Singapore, or backing away at all from the Shrek and Madagascar franchises...I guess we'll see how well that plays in 5-10 years.