Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion | Page 24 | Inside Universal Forums

Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion

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I heard Gargamel is also suing, as he feels the Marines' pursuit of Home Tree was a blatantly plagiarized version of his lifelong pursuit of the Smurf Village.
I hope you guys know I was being sarcastic :lol:

The only lawsuit I see that could hurt Cameron was there there was a sci fi writer who wrote a book in the 60's that described Avatar down to a T including the giant blue alien thing, but most of them will be bought off and thats it.

Now speaking of all time gross, do you guys think that they are re-releasing Titanic in 3D so it could take the #1 spot BACK from Avatar? :lol:
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I hope you guys know I was being sarcastic :lol:

The only lawsuit I see that could hurt Cameron was there there was a sci fi writer who wrote a book in the 60's that described Avatar down to a T including the giant blue alien thing, but most of them will be bought off and thats it.

Now speaking of all time gross, do you guys think that they are re-releasing Titanic in 3D so it could take the #1 spot BACK from Avatar? :lol:

It's being released for the "100th anniversary of the sinking."

In reality, it's being released to capitalize on that anniversary to make money and boost someone's ego.
Well looking at the worldwide all time it won't happen:
1 Avatar $2,782,275,172 2009 [# 1]
2 Titanic $1,843,201,268 1997 [# 2]

But the all time USA could:
1. Avatar (2009) $760,505,847
2. Titanic (1997) $600,779,824
Well looking at the worldwide all time it won't happen:
1 Avatar $2,782,275,172 2009 [# 1]
2 Titanic $1,843,201,268 1997 [# 2]

But the all time USA could:
1. Avatar (2009) $760,505,847
2. Titanic (1997) $600,779,824

I should never underestimate a Cameron film, but I think there is no way that Titanic makes $160 million in its re-release.

This is just a little thing I just saw in an article. Cameron has said the reason he's bringing it back is that "There are certain films that [warrant] being brought back to the theater." It's amazing to me how much this guy thinks of his own films. Whereas people like Spielberg, Kubrick, Hitchcock, Fincher, and Tarrantino can view their films and realize that there are mistakes and imperfections that they can humbly reflect on, Cameron (and Lucas, while we're at it) simply pumps himself and his movies up as some of the greatest ever. Tact. Don't need it when you're worth a quarter of a billion.
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Titanic was a pretty good film, and is actually credited to be the most accurate film ever made on the incident. I did wish sometimes it would focus more on the ship, and not the pretend love story he had to melt into it, Avatar by no means was a groundbreaking film as far as story, but it just had some incredible visuals.

Both we considered ahead of its time when they came out, that is the reason why he holds his head up so high.
Titanic was a pretty good film, and is actually credited to be the most accurate film ever made on the incident. I did wish sometimes it would focus more on the ship, and not the pretend love story he had to melt into it, Avatar by no means was a groundbreaking film as far as story, but it just had some incredible visuals.

Both we considered ahead of its time when they came out, that is the reason why he holds his head up so high.

Ahead of their time in terms of visual effects, but not into terms of innovation of directing. However, Cameron doesn't distinguish between the two. Aliens has more directorial innovation than any of his other films, it was all downhill from there.
Geeez, you film student types analyze things until you come up with theories the director never thought of. Cameron may or may not be a schmuck and egotist. Who cares. He spends unjustifiable amounts of money and makes it back for the studios in spades. The only reason they made the money back is because people thought it was as great entertainment as he (Cameron) promised it would be. Getting into the weeds on the subject is pointless unless your objective is to convince millions of people that his work is junk. Good luck with that.
Geeez, you film student types analyze things until you come up with theories the director never thought of. Cameron may or may not be a schmuck and egotist. Who cares. He spends unjustifiable amounts of money and makes it back for the studios in spades. The only reason they made the money back is because people thought it was as great entertainment as he (Cameron) promised it would be. Getting into the weeds on the subject is pointless unless your objective is to convince millions of people that his work is junk. Good luck with that.

I was merely answering the question as to why Titanic was being released and commenting on Cameron's own reasoning behind re-releasing it.

And if you never speak up for your opinions, what's the point of having them?
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Geeez, you film student types analyze things until you come up with theories the director never thought of. Cameron may or may not be a schmuck and egotist. Who cares. He spends unjustifiable amounts of money and makes it back for the studios in spades. The only reason they made the money back is because people thought it was as great entertainment as he (Cameron) promised it would be. Getting into the weeds on the subject is pointless unless your objective is to convince millions of people that his work is junk. Good luck with that.

So in essence you're saying having a discussion about anything more important and larger than ourselves is pointless? Because you'll never be able to convince millions of people of something?

That's not always the point of a discussion... :inquisitive: And I don't think it was the point here. They're just expressing opinions.
Oh :lol: when ever I found out about this my Mom texted me saying Aniamal Kingdom was getting Avatar I was like that is a load of BS mom then I looked on here and I couldnt believe what I saw Disney actually doing something for Aniamal Kingdom I was really excited i'm guessing Disney will show some details about the area by Spring 2013 cuz isnt that when constrction supposedly begins ?
Oh :lol: when ever I found out about this my Mom texted me saying Aniamal Kingdom was getting Avatar I was like that is a load of BS mom then I looked on here and I couldnt believe what I saw Disney actually doing something for Aniamal Kingdom I was really excited i'm guessing Disney will show some details about the area by Spring 2013 cuz isnt that when constrction supposedly begins ?

I thought Staggs said construction would start by 2013... But a better bet would be IN 2013, if at all.. :look:
Hmm. Just read an article that said Cameron is about to get knee-deep in writing and prepping Avatar 2 & 3... which won't premiere until 2014 and 2015. Seeing as how they barely managed to finish the visual effects in time for the first film (Cameron owes a HUGE thanks to Peter Jackson and WETA who stepped in at the last minute to finish the effects), I'm guessing Cameron is going to be booked solid until 2015. Make of it what you will.
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