Race Through NY Starring Jimmy Fallon | Page 17 | Inside Universal Forums

Race Through NY Starring Jimmy Fallon

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This is insane.
I went a bit over the top I'll admit but basing one thing off a star is just never a long lasting idea (for example, most everything WDW has done in that vein). Also for those who are saying it's gonna be more based on the tonight show, it's unfortunately not true. Sure it'll have overall theming to the tonight show but the ride is called "a race through New York with jimmy Fallon". He's been doing races since his last show and nobody's going on this thinking "ooh the tonight show attraction", it's jimmy Fallon through and through
Cole, the only reason anybody is talking about Jimmy Fallon is the Tonight Show. They're pretty much one and the same. He did not score this gig for his work in "Taxi" or "Fever Pitch."
Cole, the only reason anybody is talking about Jimmy Fallon is the Tonight Show. They're pretty much one and the same. He did not score this gig for his work in "Taxi" or "Fever Pitch."
Lol exactly but he was a very popular talk show host before the tonight show. That other show also featured a lot of the same skits that are still used to this day. The tonight show made him more popular sure but he was always relevant.
Also to anyone who thinks if it suddenly becomes unpopular they could easily just close it, your insane. This an expensive simulator they're building here with a specific theme to it. You can't just replace it with "SNL in a week". That and as you can tell, universal likes to hold on to rides for as long as humanly possible. Twister has lasted an insanely long time without being relevant and kidzone still stands today. They don't just close things becahse they're irrelevant, they wait till they're SUPER irrelevant
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Cole, the only reason anybody is talking about Jimmy Fallon is the Tonight Show. They're pretty much one and the same. He did not score this gig for his work in "Taxi" or "Fever Pitch."

Isn't he from SNL as well? Oh, and just another note, I think there was a host prior to Carson on the Tonight Show.

I really thought they would use this ride to explore more of 30 Rockefella Center to showcase NBC and just have Fallon host it, but I guess it makes sense to just use Fallon and his comedy/skits to have fun in New York.

My family finds Minion Mania rather re-rideable as the script is fun so I feel this new one could be fun and enjoyable so I will reserve any judgment until we experience it for ourselves.
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It's almost like we're hoping Fallon falls from grace soon just so this ride can be scrapped. This is just an appetizer for the full course meal(s) that will be coming over the next 3-10 years.
Isn't he from SNL as well? Oh, and just another note, I think there was a host prior to Carson on the Tonight Show.

I really thought they would use this ride to explore more of 30 Rockefella Center to showcase NBC and just have Fallon host it, but I guess it makes sense to just use Fallon and his comedy/skits to have fun in New York.

My family finds Minion Mania rather re-rideable as the script is fun so I feel this new one could be fun and enjoyable so I will reserve any judgment until we experience it for ourselves.
Jack Parr was Carson's predecessor. He got in a feud with NBC over censorship & walked off the show while it was playing live. And his predecessor was Steve Allen (a former fellow Pittsburgher). The show has always been popular & dominated it's time slot, even more so back then. I agree on DM. We ride it numerous times every vacation, & especially love the pre shows.
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I can't even remember the last time I went on DM. I want to say early 2014 but part of me thinks late 2013. Standby and Express are always too long for my liking.
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So now that disaster and twister being gone when Will universal finally announce the closing of kid zone

It would have to be sometime before next summer. I'm thinking it'll be gone before Kong/Hulk opens, if they're aiming for a 2018 opening date.
Talked to one of the creative guys who built Twister and is working on this, I ran into him at Twister last night. All he said was that it'll be aimed towards teens and that I would probably like it, not very informant about the Fallon ride but had some cool Twister facts.
I thought this article was interesting timing considering the conversation recently regarding basing an attraction around a public figure..

‘He’s a mess’: Insiders worry Fallon’s partying is getting out of hand | New York Post
Now I really like the guy. Real people. Party on. Heh, they could also insert him into the party scene on Fast & Furious. Or he could do a replacement for the end scene on Mummy. Instead of "Where's my Coffee", it could be "Where's my Vodka":dance:
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I am not really concerned. That is the NY Post after all. Has always been a rag of conjecture and innuendo.
If he's even half as successful as his popular predecessor Johnny Carson it's a plus. Carson had a huge alcohol issue but it didn't cut into his longevity or popularity. And the Post certainly isn't in the same league as the more prestigious NY Times. Party on!:lol: