I got some video for my
monthly update of USF and I've noticed what appear to be rounded walls. One I saw last month in the back and yesterday I saw another in the front. Now I haven't been following this thread at all, so excuse me if I'm retreading on discussed stuff, but I'm thinking this leads some credibility to the rumors of this being a Soarin' type ride system, and maybe even with multiple theaters. A few images below. (Again, sorry if this has been talked about, I haven't been following the thread.)
Looking into the front, pics taken yesterday...
On a second level, there appears to be the back of a rounded wall/screen:
Closer view, although somewhat hard to see the roundness in pics, it's obvious in person:
And here's some images from last month taken around the back (before walls started going up):
Closer view of rounded steel:
Anyways, what's everyone else's thoughts on it? Are we in agreement that this will be a soarin' type ride or will it be something else? I'll be catching up on the thread today, but wanted to post this first.
Also, here's today's video with a full Fallon update (shameless plug):