The thing is, that could still work. Evil Dead had limited locations as well.
Add a waiting room for Orin's office
The shop from different angles/with different stages of Audrey's growth.
The plant market via flashback (character scare ahead of time asking where they got the plant)
Honestly, there seems to be enough to work with both main stage wise and transition scenes wise to work with and still only have a couple of rooms devoted to the post show Audrey terror.
Almost every song on the soundtrack could justify a scene (except for maybe the phone song and Closed for Renovations), so that's a decent amount.
Post show we get an overgrown TV store with Finale Ultimo/Don't Feed the Plants on playing on the televisions, which are wrapped up by vines and baby Audrey's.
To me, it could work, but I would have to really sit down and listen through it and figure out how to make it happen.
The biggest issue becomes most of the scares would be either people carrying Audrey 2 when it's smaller or actors yelling random lines of dialogue to advance the story.
"Where did you get the plant?"
"Audrey 2's everywhere!"
Obviously there would be a few big puppet scares, but I actually don't think they would be super effective UNTIL the post show scenes where you can kind of go wild with the amount of plants.
I’d do it a bit different and stay fairly “true” to the show. Each scene gets a song with it. The songs are not in order, but fit the scene and moment.
Facade - Outside of Mushnik’s with “Daa-Doo” played a bit more often than everything else.
Scene 1 - Normal flower shop with Mushnik, Audrey, and Seymour “crash” scare (how he enters in the show) (“Daa-Doo”)
Scene 2 - Mushnik Basement, with Seymour cutting his finger for baby Audrey II. Scare is the Audrey II puppet launching at guests (“Grow For Me”)
Scene 3 - Alley behind Mushnik’s with Urchin scares (“Skid Row”)
Scene 4 - Orin’s Office with dying Orin scare (“It’s Just the Gas”).
Scene 5 - Seymour chopping up Orin with the ax. Weepy Seymour scare (Act 1 Finale/“Go Get It”))
Scene 6 - Back Inside Mushnik’s, with “Teen” Audrey II eating Mushnik. Audrey II and Seymour scares (“Mushnik and Son”)
Scene 7 - Strobe hell in front of the store with Paparazzi scares (“Meek Shall Inherit”)
Scene 8 - Seymour fighting massive Audrey II with dying Audrey distraction (“Suppertime”)
Scene 9 - INSIDE AUDREY II! He eats us! Dead Orin, Audrey, and Mushnik scares! (“Somewhere That’s Green”)
Scene 10 - Plant infested Skid Row with numerous “cuttings” scares (“Don’t Feed the Plants”).