I agree, he said funny things, guess that was part of his 'magic', if memory serves me right he was a tad hypocritical too, he can make fun of things, but if anyone made fun at his expense, well, that was another story. I also remember he was very politically incorrect, but again, there was hypocrisy there ... In any case, when it comes to political correctness, I tend to be neutral on it, I think sometimes people get too fired up over nothing, but on the other hand I believe in civility. I think Brian envisions a more professional forum, and I like that, it is also why I am active here (I generally dislike social media/interaction). So anyway, Fatality was a troll, and if you want something reputable, you simply can't have that.
What's DOX'ing? Quick google search says trying to fish for and spread personal information. If so, that's creepy.
I love self-moderation, my biggest issue with social media is that people cannot ever control themselves and because it is just online they feel they can say/do anything. I never get it why people have to be so combative, then again, I am a writer and philosopher yet generally detest debate and I generally shy away from social interaction.
I'm with you, as I'm very much into the ancient Greek concept of ataraxia, tranquility; heck, we're all just organisms trying to somehow sustain ourselves
Exactly. Sometimes you have to just be the better man and ignore things. I use to get in to online arguments and lose sleep over it, then I said, you know, F-it, don't respond, and I sleep much better