This will be much appreciated, but part of me says they shouldn't start working on this until they get the reported new bathrooms back by Wonder Wonder (formerly behind The Flash Musak Express ride was). Without those, and if they close off the Steampunk area ones, there's no bathrooms between Goliath and the bumper cars. That's a pretty long stretch. I barely get by sometimes with just the Steampunk ones. So is there any timeline for the ones near WW?
In other news, according to the IG account ourmountain_thrillpark, they stated that the second GP parking lot not only finished their solar panel work, but did get repaved (I don't believe it's open yet). So there's hope for the entire lot eventually getting repaved. The employee lot opened not too long ago with solar panels and repaving. I spoke to a employee at Scream and asked her about it... she said it's really nice, but it took them over 2 weeks from repaving to finally opening the lot up to usage.