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Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion

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Cheers! Pennsylvania's finest!
It doesn't get better. We can share a toast in the Fall. :thumbsup::cheers:
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I don't get all the hate for the JP island only having one arch. It still has the other... and it has an arch on the ride that the boat goes through. Jurassic Park is my favorite film of all time. I have original movie posters for all 4 films in my home, framed. I even created an entire website devoted to dinosaurs and covering the JW films. And yet, losing one of two arches does not bother me. Not in the slightest.

Now if they ever bulldozed the Discover Center, I'd weep openly, for a week.

If anything, I was more sad to see the "electric" perimeter fencing with the blue/red lights go away along that strip of walkway than I was the arch. But with the addition of Raptor Encounter we got all new fences with lights, so I'm all good now. Plus, Camp Jurassic has the best stuff for a JP nerd like me. The tower is themed like the raptor pit tower in JP. The fences and gates between areas are themed like the interior electric gates in the film (like when Nedry's escaping.) And the ambient sounds and fog are incredible. I could spend hours in Camp Jurassic.

While waiting for Kong softs today I spent a good deal of time wandering around the caves of Camp Jurassic, enjoying the atmosphere. All that is the magic stuff I would be sad to see go. We still got another arch. No need to be upset. That's my thoughts anyway.

/end rant
Yeah, I confirmed that a bit ago. I believe it is a large room between load and unload.

If you want to bypass the queue, I would take your daughter through single riders and you can drop her off there as you will walk right by it.

Ahhhh.... so that is how they will get around kids being in the queue. That was always my one thing, how will they be able to allow families to ride this ride with child swap being at the end of the queue. I guess people will have to use Single Rider? Should be interesting since most people probably won't realize this. I think that is where Universal will get the largest complaints. The parents who never planned on their kid riding this, but just got in line thinking "Child Swap" and not realizing how scary the line itself will be.

I probably will take my daughter on. She says she wants to go on and I let her make these decisions. She probably won't go on a second time, but that again would be her decision.

I remember you saying you thought there was child swap, I must have missed the it was there for sure and no one could tell me how they were going to get the kids to child swap without being scared to death in the line itself.

Oh and about technical issues, does everyone forget Gringotts so quickly and the amount of issues they had when it opened? Why does anything think they won't soft this with technical issues. They will.
I hope more than anything that Jurassic Park / JW gets a proper land soon. The entrance to JP was one of my favorite places in all of Universal. Hell, in all of Orlando. Jurassic Park deserves so much more than it's been reduced to.

This is seriously going off topic and these posts may get moved soon, but you don't think JP is a proper land right now? :confused:
I don't get all the hate for the JP island only having one arch. It still has the other... and it has an arch on the ride that the boat goes through. Jurassic Park is my favorite film of all time. I have original movie posters for all 4 films in my home, framed. I even created an entire website devoted to dinosaurs and covering the JW films. And yet, losing one of two arches does not bother me. Not in the slightest.

Now if they ever bulldozed the Discover Center, I'd weep openly, for a week.

If anything, I was more sad to see the "electric" perimeter fencing with the blue/red lights go away along that strip of walkway than I was the arch. But with the addition of Raptor Encounter we got all new fences with lights, so I'm all good now. Plus, Camp Jurassic has the best stuff for a JP nerd like me. The tower is themed like the raptor pit tower in JP. The fences and gates between areas are themed like the interior electric gates in the film (like when Nedry's escaping.) And the ambient sounds and fog are incredible. I could spend hours in Camp Jurassic.

While waiting for Kong softs today I spent a good deal of time wandering around the caves of Camp Jurassic, enjoying the atmosphere. All that is the magic stuff I would be sad to see go. We still got another arch. No need to be upset. That's my thoughts anyway.

/end rant
I love those caves!
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This is seriously going off topic and these posts may get moved soon, but you don't think JP is a proper land right now? :confused:
This thread, off topic? Blasphemy!

I know with the weather today and tomorrow being rough softs seem slim but I'm tempted to take the drive tomorrow. Appreciate any updates from anyone at the parks or in-the-know of any rumblings of the drums.
I don't get all the hate for the JP island only having one arch. It still has the other... and it has an arch on the ride that the boat goes through. Jurassic Park is my favorite film of all time. I have original movie posters for all 4 films in my home, framed. I even created an entire website devoted to dinosaurs and covering the JW films. And yet, losing one of two arches does not bother me. Not in the slightest.

Now if they ever bulldozed the Discover Center, I'd weep openly, for a week.

If anything, I was more sad to see the "electric" perimeter fencing with the blue/red lights go away along that strip of walkway than I was the arch. But with the addition of Raptor Encounter we got all new fences with lights, so I'm all good now. Plus, Camp Jurassic has the best stuff for a JP nerd like me. The tower is themed like the raptor pit tower in JP. The fences and gates between areas are themed like the interior electric gates in the film (like when Nedry's escaping.) And the ambient sounds and fog are incredible. I could spend hours in Camp Jurassic.

While waiting for Kong softs today I spent a good deal of time wandering around the caves of Camp Jurassic, enjoying the atmosphere. All that is the magic stuff I would be sad to see go. We still got another arch. No need to be upset. That's my thoughts anyway.

/end rant
We spend tons of time in Camp Jurassic. We're like kids in there. I can't get my GF off the dino footprints that make dino sounds. She'll dance around on them for 15-30 minutes. The first time in the caves, I tricked her into standing on the footbridge in the cave that got her soaked with water. She was sooooo mad.
I'm not a parent but I think you guys are over estimating how "scary" the line can be. This is not halloween horror nights. I'm sure the natives wont be trying to scare kids. Either way, if I was a parent I would just reasure them its not real and might even laugh if they get scared. The overly sensitive parents are gonna ruin it for everyone else.
I'm not a parent but I think you guys are over estimating how "scary" the line can be. This is not halloween horror nights. I'm sure the natives wont be trying to scare kids. Either way, if I was a parent I would just reasure them its not real and might even laugh if they get scared. The overly sensitive parents are gonna ruin it for everyone else.

lol - you have never been around a 3 to 6 year old when they get scared, right? Like my daughter knows it is all fake. She will even say at the beginning, this is fake, right? But she still gets scared. Now you have to know your child and know how they will be AFTER the ride. Some kids afterwards just brush it off and just don't want to go on again (my daughter), others will cry on the ride, after the ride, and be visibly shaken up, some will have nightmares for days or weeks. You just have to know your child. It isn't sensitive parents that will be the issue, it will be the kids and how they naturally react to being scared. No amount of telling them it is fake will change that reaction. I would love to be able to rationalize with my 5 year old and tell her how not to be scared and take her on every ride out there as many times as possible. But there is just no rationalization. As calm and easy going as we are as a family some of the silliest things freak my daughter out and I just can't explain why it does.
I'm not a parent but I think you guys are over estimating how "scary" the line can be. This is not halloween horror nights. I'm sure the natives wont be trying to scare kids. Either way, if I was a parent I would just reasure them its not real and might even laugh if they get scared. The overly sensitive parents are gonna ruin it for everyone else.


There's literally a room that's supposed to be on 'fire" with a witch doctor murmuring and summoning a giant beast...Meanwhile, there are natives hiding in holes popping out at anyone that walks by. If the kids go in the line, their fair game. This will scare the piss out of grown adults.

How can you speak for parents if you aren't one? Also, have you walked through the queue yet? Genuine questions here.

There's literally a room that's supposed to be on 'fire" with a witch doctor murmuring and summoning a giant beast...Meanwhile, there are natives hiding in holes popping out at anyone that walks by. If the kids go in the line, their fair game. This will scare the piss out of grown adults.

How can you speak for parents if you aren't one? Also, have you walked through the queue yet? Genuine questions here.

There's literally a room that's supposed to be on 'fire" with a witch doctor murmuring and summoning a giant beast...Meanwhile, there are natives hiding in holes popping out at anyone that walks by. If the kids go in the line, their fair game. This will scare the piss out of grown adults.

How can you speak for parents if you aren't one? Also, have you walked through the queue yet? Genuine questions here.

I have many small kids in my family. It's called empathy. I can understand without having gone through it. Obviously, once I am a parent attitude can/will change.

"Omg, a witch doctor. So scary". There's gonna be at least hundred other people in that room, its not like you're in there by yourself. I think it will be more creepy then HHN type of terrifying.
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