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Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion

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I think this board is pretty liberal with positive discussion and outlooks on the Universal parks.

I do think there has been a sharp uptick of catastrophizing in recent months, particularly with stuff like Lost Continent, Villain-Con, Park maps, but I think that's more to do with the pre-Epic anxiety than anything else. In 2021, we were right off the heels of Velocicoaster, Bourne, Hagrids and with a new Shrek 4D Replacement newly announced on the way. Cut to now, where all of those big additions have passed their honeymoon phases and all of the new (admittedly very nice) additions we're seeing are at a much smaller scale than a brand new Jurassic Park thrill coaster. ET Updates, Redone menus at restaurants, new Kids play area and parade in USF. I think it just makes the cuts we're seeing, like Kong's 3D, feel that much worse for some. I think it'll pass and hopefully some of these effects or entertainment offerings will return eventually given a successful EU in 2025 and beyond.

Sorry to the mods for going outside of the bounds of Kong for this post, but I feel like it was kind of necessary for my point towards the admin of the site! Much love to yall!:D
I can't speak for everyone, but I think we're generally positive on here. Maybe some of us have to be a bit more louder/consistent with our negative feedback because Universal doesn't get the same level of pushback that WDW gets. WDW increased prices today, and the WDWMagic forum is already up to 7 pages... Universal increased tickets back in October (APs in Spring) and there was little discussion. I think holding Universal accountable to "Disney standards" is a very positive thing (outside of construction schedules).
Idk. I don't think anyone should ever strive to be more like Magic in any capacity lol.
I was mostly being tongue-in-cheek, but hit dog will holler and all that.

While we're on Day 4 of Kong debate - which everyone is unilaterally saying sucks, let's check over the nice new things that are happening around the Resort.

Portofino Redo? Seems kinda cold. Let's hop over to Mel's, since that opened today... one comment, and it was budget-related.

I never said y'all were never positive, you just don't keep the same energy across both sides. Sure, I may tend to lean towards the positive things - mostly because I like things that make me happy, and you get a lot more with honey than vingear.

Just sayin

1. WDWMagic is a bigger forum than ours. I'd expect more pages.
2. You need to get off that Disney v Universal hill.
Idk. I don't think anyone should ever strive to be more like Magic in any capacity lol.
The Mel's redo was a rather simple redo of something that needed to be done anyway. Good on Universal, but Mel's prior to its closure was in really bad shape. The overhaul to Circus McGurkus was completely surprising, honestly expected a simplified chicken tender menu, and they really did a great job there... but I've heard from a few people, outside of opening day, it's taken a while for orders to be fulfilled.

If you go back to the Universal Food Thread, I was very positive after my experience at Cafe La Bamba when it reopened with its new menu. Was very excited for the future of Universal's QSR options and then somehow the quality of the food and service (not just at La Bamba, but resort-wide) dropped dramatically.

Wasn't trying to compare IU to WDWMagic, just the overall theme park community as a whole. Anything that changes at WDW is blasted into pieces while Universal is given a free pass. I know WDW has a far larger following, but Universal has an avid fan base now.

It's natural to pit the two best theme park destinations against each other, the same way any other conversation on anything would. MK v Lebron, etc.

I've been negative towards Universal this past year... but it wasn't always like that and I have no incentive to be negative.

IDK about all that...
I'm hoping they pull a Nintendo and pull it at the last minute. It looks like WDW will be seeing some changes to Genie+ sometime this year, maybe they'll hold off on their plans.
The Mel's redo was a rather simple redo of something that needed to be done anyway. Good on Universal, but Mel's prior to its closure was in really bad shape. The overhaul to Circus McGurkus was completely surprising, honestly expected a simplified chicken tender menu, and they really did a great job there... but I've heard from a few people, outside of opening day, it's taken a while for orders to be fulfilled.
So now we're undercutting the redo? Was it exhaustive? No, but a good effort was made. We can't complain in other threads about how simple a refurb closure should be for Universal if they want to fix something and lament it in another. This is the crap I'm talking about.

Wasn't trying to compare IU to WDWMagic, just the overall theme park community as a whole. Anything that changes at WDW is blasted into pieces while Universal is given a free pass. I know WDW has a far larger following, but Universal has an avid fan base now.

It's natural to pit the two best theme park destinations against each other, the same way any other conversation on anything would. MK v Lebron, etc.

I've been negative towards Universal this past year... but it wasn't always like that and I have no incentive to be negative.

It's one thing to compare and contrast. It's another to pit them against each other.

And no, it's not natural to pit parks against each other. They're each good in their own respective way, with differences that appeal to different audiences. One doesn't impact the other unless it's part of a bigger picture.
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Wasn't trying to compare IU to WDWMagic, just the overall theme park community as a whole. Anything that changes at WDW is blasted into pieces while Universal is given a free pass. I know WDW has a far larger following, but Universal has an avid fan base now.
I mean, Magic is a toxic cesspool so of course that’s how they react. Theme Park Twitter isn’t any better. These places aren’t standards to strive for in discussions.

As for Uni always getting a free pass on changes: When? Where? I’ve never seen Uni ever get a pass on anything ever lmao. This thread is Uni literally getting torn to shreds over an idiotic decision. Discussing the ins and outs of why they did it and whether it’ll change does not equate to Uni getting a pass in the slightest. It’s an incredibly stupid decision and every single person in this thread has expressed that opinion.
I mean, Magic is a toxic cesspool so of course that’s how they react. Theme Park Twitter isn’t any better. These places aren’t standards to strive for in discussions.

As for Uni always getting a free pass on changes: When? Where? I’ve never seen Uni ever get a pass on anything ever lmao. This thread is Uni literally getting torn to shreds over an idiotic decision. Discussing the ins and outs of why they did it and whether it’ll change does not equate to Uni getting a pass in the slightest. It’s a stupid decision and every single person in this thread has expressed that opinion.

Also adding that Inside Universal was born from Orlando United - which discussed all 3 parks in Orlando, without any of the BS. This site has never been about that nonsense since 2008.
If only this cacophony of voices carried the same energy for positive changes. :lol:
I switched from Disney to Universal because of the positive direction the resort has taken in the last decade and a half or so. I stay there a lot, eat there a lot, buy lots of souvenirs. I’m plenty cacophonous where it counts.

This is a message boards, one that tends to be very positive about Universal. I’ve made frequent positive comments about things like the Minion cafe. But none of us owes Universal anything, and when I see Universal making some of the same choices Disney did that made me switch to Uni in the first place, I think it’s fair to say that.
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I switched from Disney to Universal because of the positive direction the resort has taken in the last decade and a half or so. I stay there a lot, eat there a lot, buy lots of souvenirs. I’m plenty cacophonous where it counts.

This is a message boards, one that tends to be very positive about Universal. I’ve made frequent positive comments about things like the Minion cafe. But none of us owes Universal anything, and when I see Universal making some of the same choices Disney did that made me switch to Uni in the first place, I think it’s fair to say that.

I was mostly being tongue-in-cheek, but hit dog will holler and all that.

While we're on Day 4 of Kong debate - which everyone is unilaterally saying sucks, let's check over the nice new things that are happening around the Resort.

Portofino Redo? Seems kinda cold. Let's hop over to Mel's, since that opened today... one comment, and it was budget-related.

I never said y'all were never positive, you just don't keep the same energy across both sides. Sure, I may tend to lean towards the positive things - mostly because I like things that make me happy, and you get a lot more with honey than vingear.

Just sayin
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I think threads like the present hotels and long time restaurants, even if refurbed, just naturally don't get a lot of views or comments. It's the big stuff, like attractions, construction, new stuff, and especially HHN that generally gets the forum action. I'm probably one of the few that comments on threads like the older hotels, and it's kind of always been silent from forum posters, or even the mods. Even when I start most of the Disney & Universal Quarterly reports, only a handful of people are interested. That's just not the sexy conversation stuff. I like that info, but I don't really expect most others to care much. And, bottom line, those financial results are probably the most important info happening. I actually base most of my forum thread opinions on how well, or how bad, the reports are looking.
I’m a bit confused… I thought we were supposed to be taking each thread topic, each element of Universal, in isolation. We’re not supposed to recognize patterns of budget cuts but we are supposed to consider maintenance at Mel’s as a mitigating factor in the thread about significant cuts to an attraction in IOA?

Uni and WDW are in direct competition. It makes complete sense to compare them - we all do when deciding where to spend our vacation dollars. What doesn’t make sense is comparing this board to others like WDWMagic or calling it a “toxic cesspool” - that looks incredibly petty.

And hey - I think I’m the most energetic poster here in favor of Fast & Furious…
And hey - I think I’m the most energetic poster here in favor of Fast & Furious…
Hopefully you mean the upcoming "Hollywood Drift" coaster & not the Disaster Studios production that is Supercharged: The Big One.

Soooooo bananas & KONGfrontation: Return to Skull Island..
In some ways I'm surprised they didn't convert Thunderfalls Terrace into a Kong-based restaurant considering it's close proximity to the ride.
I was mostly being tongue-in-cheek, but hit dog will holler and all that.

While we're on Day 4 of Kong debate - which everyone is unilaterally saying sucks, let's check over the nice new things that are happening around the Resort.

Portofino Redo? Seems kinda cold. Let's hop over to Mel's, since that opened today... one comment, and it was budget-related.

I never said y'all were never positive, you just don't keep the same energy across both sides. Sure, I may tend to lean towards the positive things - mostly because I like things that make me happy, and you get a lot more with honey than vingear.

Just sayin

1. WDWMagic is a bigger forum than ours. I'd expect more pages.
2. You need to get off that Disney v Universal hill.

IDK about all that...
In fairness as a local I barely touch the hotel posts and I imagine others may be the same. If you are never going to stay at that hotel you may never visit the post.

As for Mel's I think a lot of people talked about it before it opened. I know I did so I had nothing to add when I saw it was open. It was as expected based on the last post, I had before said it seemed all good and adding hot dogs was good. it didn't need more. I thought for a second about posting about how I liked the tables and thought it would be a useless comment and didn't. I would love to see reviews from people who have eaten there, so I will keep up on the posts. I want to eat there but need to eat at Minions first. I do like the food at Uni way better than Sea World, but I do complain about the service. However, I did state on here we did get our food faster this last time and no bouncer to step in front of me when I went to order drinks. So I did balance it with, hey maybe it is getting better.
I’m a bit confused… I thought we were supposed to be taking each thread topic, each element of Universal, in isolation. We’re not supposed to recognize patterns of budget cuts but we are supposed to consider maintenance at Mel’s as a mitigating factor in the thread about significant cuts to an attraction in IOA?

And hey - I think I’m the most energetic poster here in favor of Fast & Furious…

Oh cmon dude...that's not what the post meant at all. I'm saying some of y'all have been beating the drum in this thread for 4 days, despite everyone agreeing they don't like the cut - whereas there's something positive to talk about in other threads and *crickets*.

Uni and WDW are in direct competition. It makes complete sense to compare them - we all do when deciding where to spend our vacation dollars. What doesn’t make sense is comparing this board to others like WDWMagic or calling it a “toxic cesspool” - that looks incredibly petty.

You know what else is pretty petty? Throwing the accusation that everyone mocked you on the potential issue of someone falling on Villain-Con's belts yet when the mods took a look at your post - most replies were cordial, sympathetic, or treated respectfully.

In fairness as a local I barely touch the hotel posts and I imagine others may be the same. If you are never going to stay at that hotel you may never visit the post.

As for Mel's I think a lot of people talked about it before it opened. I know I did so I had nothing to add when I saw it was open. It was as expected based on the last post, I had before said it seemed all good and adding hot dogs was good. it didn't need more. I thought for a second about posting about how I liked the tables and thought it would be a useless comment and didn't. I would love to see reviews from people who have eaten there, so I will keep up on the posts. I want to eat there but need to eat at Minions first. I do like the food at Uni way better than Sea World, but I do complain about the service. However, I did state on here we did get our food faster this last time and no bouncer to step in front of me when I went to order drinks. So I did balance it with, hey maybe it is getting better.

Just to be clear - despite my post - it wasn't meant to apply to everyone in this thread.

But ultimately - we need to talk about Kong, so we should probably get back to that!

Anyone have anymore to say about my posts - DM me.
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I’m a bit confused… I thought we were supposed to be taking each thread topic, each element of Universal, in isolation. We’re not supposed to recognize patterns of budget cuts but we are supposed to consider maintenance at Mel’s as a mitigating factor in the thread about significant cuts to an attraction in IOA?

Uni and WDW are in direct competition. It makes complete sense to compare them - we all do when deciding where to spend our vacation dollars. What doesn’t make sense is comparing this board to others like WDWMagic or calling it a “toxic cesspool” - that looks incredibly petty.

And hey - I think I’m the most energetic poster here in favor of Fast & Furious…
If you want to discuss patterns you’re seeing, we have some broader thread options. If we’re responding to changes (like the removal of Kong’s 3D) it would be nice if the topic/thread could stay local. If every change becomes a conversation about all changes, then we gum up every thread for days.

If you want to point out or discuss patterns, feel free to do so in any threads below:

I ask this genuinely for conversation sake:

Does Kong NEED 3D to function properly and maintain its allure? Was the 3D ever the main selling point? I’m interested to read opinion’s.

I don’t think it needs it, nor do I believe it was ever the focal point of the ride. Thoughts?
I ask this genuinely for conversation sake:

Does Kong NEED 3D to function properly and maintain its allure? Was the 3D ever the main selling point? I’m interested to read opinion’s.

I don’t think it needs it, nor do I believe it was ever the focal point of the ride. Thoughts?
I think if they redid the first two scenes, the noise would be a little quieter.
I went to the media day for King Kong: 360 in Hollywood (I am old!) and was really impressed with its implementation of 3D at a time that it felt like the technology was invading every entertainment medium we had. I don't know if it's the focal point of the attraction, but I do think it's a huge selling point when it comes to creating a convincing "360-degree" impact.

I'll be quite curious to see what the resort looks like in a decade when some of these screen-heavy attractions have been cycled out (maybe).
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