V.I.P. Member
I wasn't trying to downplay the overtly racist overtones throughout SotS. Just encapsulate them because my point was about the equally as troublesome old school racist trope of Savages/Cannibals/Witch Doctors.You are WAY over simplifying Song of the South’s highly racist tones, so much so that Disney won’t even release it.
There’d also be heavy symbolism in retheming a ride based heavily racist movie with Disney’s first black princess. I really don’t think Dr. Facilier would be a big problem at all culturally and he’s one of the most beloved modern Disney villains (post 2000).
Like Disney, Efteling Park in The Netherlands is coming under fire for a horribly racist version of the Tea cups (those aren't tea cups), the trope falls into the same category at Dr. Facilier.
What made me think about it is, not too long ago the James Bond movies were getting a lot of flack for their misogynistic treatment of women and the outrage spilled over into their portrayal of non-white races. The Voodoo Witch Doctor in Live and Let Die was often mentioned. Considering the first thing that came to mind while watching PatF and Dr. Facilier hit the screen was the Witch Doctor from Live and Let Die, I can easily see how Dr. Facilier could also come under SJW fire.
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