Here's me playing around with scale comparisons from Japan/KidsZone plans to see what could theoretically fit in Hollywood. Since I am not that familiar with the Hollywood park, please tell me if I am wrong on where I am attempting to place them or any other reasons why these won't work.
The first image shows the area in Japan (yellow) overlaid onto Hollywood, in scale, with Mario Kart remaining exactly in place. It's a possible way the area could be configured, and it could even fit Donkey Kong (based on the KidsZone planned version,) but the entrance doesn't really make much sense this way. Yoshi would not fit in this configuration:
View attachment 9080
The next possibility has a more realistic entrance near Transformers. It could probably still fit either Donkey Kong or Yoshi, but not both.
View attachment 9081
And here's the worst-case scenario based on current construction and considering it doesn't look to me like the bottom section of the area has begun development yet:
View attachment 9082
Thoughts? Corrections? Ideas?