I understand the concept, and the multi levels. I've been following this project since it's public inception. But, bottom line, the SNW planned for Kidzone, before it was aborted at the last minute, was 7 to 8 acres. This is about one third or one fourth of that. That's not a little smaller, it's considerably smaller. It's going to be one nice E ticket plus some extras, but certainly nowhere near the scope of what people were expecting when the Universal pitch to Nintendo came out, or even the original concept art that came out after the announcement. Will this be a nice addition. sure it will. But it falls far short of expectations back then. The curse of not much land available in Hollywood, and even Japan to a degree, has lessened what this could have been at this point inn time. Future expansions, maybe, but Phase 2's don't always materialize......If this was all that Orlando was getting for the SNL at the new park, I'd guess that most everyone on this site would be quite disappointed.