I've personally had a great time at Toadstool Cafe and haven't encountered any issues any time i've been there(twice in 2023 and once in 2024). Line moved quick. Ordered fast. Knew what i wanted before going in there each time, so it made it easy to get it done at the counter. Got my drink and was seated immediately. Food was at my table within 20 minutes. Was out within an hour every time. I thought the food quality was bordering okay to genuinely good depending on what was ordered. Any extra items purchased(like mushroom bowl and bowser plate) were given in box and bag upon exit to make it easier to carry around. Honestly, it's probably something i'm going to do at EPIC nearly every time i go there until i experience something less-than-stellar with the service; But as of right now, nothing i'd personally dogpile on. Any service hiccup would be outweighed by the theming and atmosphere and me just being happy to be there. lol