I wonder if this will continue the weird thing both Donner and Snyder were guilty of in their movies in that they portray Superman as some sort of “Jesus” figure or allegory. Seriously why did they do that? It’s already a divisive idea on its own (probably because Snyder was accused of hammering it on- which made it ironic when his Superman KILLED someone in his first film), but from what I heard, originally in the comics, Superman was created by two Jewish men, his story parallels the story of Moses (as I learned in a Batman docu) and supposedly he was made to reflect their experiences of Jews in America (I don’t know this last part)… kinda makes it weird.
About the costume… not terribly a fan but still I’m glad they added the trunks to the costume, I can’t get past depictions that don’t have them. i guess without the trunks they tried supposed to make him look serious but for me all it does it make it hard for me to not notice Superman’s crotch.