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Test Track 2.0

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I've only seen the YouTube video so my opinion doesn't hold the most credence, but I actually think that just based off the video, I prefer the old ride. The computer theming is cool looking for sure, but it is very repetitive to me, and the 'tests' you go through don't make as much sense to me...sure the warehouse might have been bland but the clear segments and real-life testing grounds seemed to make more sense to me...I don't know the Tron vibe is definitely cool but it makes less sense to me, and the real testing ground storyline kinda seems more exciting to me. Anybody with me?
Must.... Not.... Watch.... NO! WE'S WANTS TO WATCH!!

This is killing me :bang: On the other hand, I did watch the hill climb and loved what they did with it!
I will agree too that the tests didnt make much sense to me.

I also don't understand why the capability test icon is a lightning bolt. Very easy to confuse it with power.

Also would need to explain the difference between capability and responsiveness.

Kind of disappointed the in car screens aren't used more besides showing the logo of each test and the brief silly onstar plug
After watching the video it makes me miss the original.
There are some cool looking effects, but I couldn't really tell what was going on for most of it.
I will hold my true judgment until I ride in person though because I'm always open to updates.
Overall, I think this update went about as well as it ever possibly could have. Looks and feels like classic Epcot and IMO is now much more worthy of being called a "Future World" attraction.
I want to hear some honesty :lol: Seriously though while I won't give a review until I ride it, how many here would give this rave reviews had it been a brand new attraction. As in, their was no TT before and this was Epcots first new E-ticket in nearly 8 years. With what we have seen with this ride system in Radiator Springs Racers and Journey to the Center of the Earth where does it stack up in comparison? Would this Test Track be considered a revolutionary ride? With this being the first E-ticket in the World in over 6 years, would you be wowed or disappointed from such a long wait?

Just trying to spark some conversation in a what if type of way. Please share your thoughts!
Having friends that have already gone on this new version and going from what I've seen, I would probably say this was a welcomed addition to the Future World section of the park.

In response to Hate. It might not stack up to the theming of RSR and Journey, but it gives a complete story (whether it be a good story or not) and adds a great level of interactivity for guests. Plus, as I mentioned earlier, I'm a sucker for TRON. As for the "Would I be wow'ed or disappointed in receiving this ride after a six year wait," I probably would. Not blown away like I have been with what Universal has been putting out for the past few years, but I like it a whole lot better than Soarin and Mission:Space. Something that I really like is that it -looks- like an Epcot attraction now.

Not as good as Maelstrom though, seriously. I love that ride.

Also, here's a big photo album of the attraction from InsideTheMagic. http://www.flickr.com/photos/insidethemagic/sets/72157632145470707/with/8236605716/
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I truthfully really like everything I've seen except for the things I mentioned.

It's a great addition that did away with the aesthetically putrid theme of the warehouse auto shop. Nowadays, people want the shiny aspects of all sorts of design processes. When you want to see how a film is made, you don't really want to walk into a busy sound stage if you're just a theme park guest. You want the facades, the hidden lighting, the floor free of all cables and tiled, the director in a brown vest with a toupee on, etc. Anything else that isn't pertinent for the eye to marvel at is thematic trash.

This addition has some very disappointing aspects, mainly along the exterior of the attraction, as well as some issues with the RFID/custom vehicle process. But the interior is something to be held highly. It's a reputable improvement with style and class. A huge modern showroom for Chevrolet. And it works. The storyline may not be the most consistent, but on a limited budget, at least its effects are pretty impressive. Once you take away the need for a specified process for the car to go through, you end up with a lot of cool effects that open the eyes. Darkness becomes a tool for the light to guide you to where you should be looking, but not with scarcity that just leaves scenes blank. It immerses you inside of a physical computer-looking space, and it's a good update.

Now all I need to do is ride it. :)
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Attractions Magazine has posted their POV:

Aside for the exterior and costumes, I think they did about the best they could with what they had. But there still is room for improvement. I wouldn't be surprised if outdoor audio got added at some point, but don't think it kills the ride. Just would have been nice.
Alright, rode this a couple of times tonight after asking a CM politely if I could be there "guest."

I was impressed. Is this revolutionary?...certainly not, but some of the effects are very cool and the overall feel is "futuristic."

Also for those that weren't sure, the fast pass and singles riders' lines do have the ability to design a car.


Their screens are smaller, but they essentially do the same thing as the regular queue.

Also, for VIP's there's a little something interesting that I'm gonna post in there. :thumbs:
If they could of fixed the original effects in Test Track(all the practical ones they let die out) the original incarnation and concept would of been better.

Since they wanted to reduce the cost of maintence and Chevy fronted the bill for the refurbishments and changes TDO jumped on the idea.

The physical sensations and practical effects are what is often missing from rides these days. I hope that the Wind Tunnel resistance scene for aerodynamics at least has you feeling a bit of wind in there. I was expecting a bit more from that mirror scene since they took away the well known chambers.

The Barrier Test theme was much more thrilling than the sort of going from sleek to just going faster concept. The thrill was the psyche out for first timers wondering if you were going to hit the wall and how last second it was.

I know a lot of the complaints about What Test Track was before this redo was because of what it became, not what it started as. I remember the queue and ride of Test Track in its top condition and it was one of the coolest rides. Seeing that car slam into the wall right before you thought you were going to was awesome as well as all of the other working scenes with heavy interactivity, the elemental chambers, the corrosion Kuka like robots actually moving around and spraying you, hitting the cone with a first time ride or rider not thinking you were going to be able to do that etc. It sadly did just become things you pass by in a warehouse and no longer a testing facility because Disney did not want to fix them.

These changes will do, but they are not really likely to draw anyone new in either.
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New POV video from Inside the Magic complete with the queue and post-show:

Yeah, this person basically sent the same set out to anyone who would listen. But putting that aside, everything looks very nice so far, a bit of an 80's EPCOT Center vibe in some of the pics actually.

would be funny if said person was Disney themselves generating hype for it, then again disney isn't that smart :look:

So apparently the Operating System that the Design Center runs on is Windows 7 Enterprise. I don't mean to be "that guy" that's getting picky over little things that don't mean squat, but this is Future World and from that information, the Design Center is already running on an old OS.

and OS that they tested and abused... so they know it will work, kind of like the terminals in the post show running Windows XP :look:

Also for those that weren't sure, the fast pass and singles riders' lines do have the ability to design a car.


Their screens are smaller, but they essentially do the same thing as the regular queue.

Also, for VIP's there's a little something interesting that I'm gonna post in there. :thumbs:

they DON'T have the ability to make a custom car, but choose from an existing car based upon the factor of the 4 tests.
Wow, much improved over the old test track. and honestly the whole theme, look and music gives me old school Epcot feelings. This is the way things should be themed.. excellent job imo.

Now they just need to do something with all the wasted space in the other buildings.