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The Great Metal Detector Debate

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How do you feel about Metal Detectors?

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I don't think you all have any idea how far a ride like Rockit can fling an item out of someone's pocket. I have always wanted to check the tops of the buildings around that ride just to see how many cell phones, hats, etc, are up there.

the roller coasters pretty much act like slingshots, people don't know how bad these things fall until they see it for themselves.
I understand the danger of loose articles, and yes they can fly far, I once got almost hit in the head by a baseball cap on Kraken. Nets can only prevent so much, in Seaworld I once had an asthma puffer fall almost right next to me, this was on the walkway that goes up to where Kraken and Atlantis is, it had fallen down from the Manta right at the opening turn and drop. Still I do not see what the problem is when people have secured pockets, on the other hand, I can also understand the hassle, because now team members have to judge as to what is properly secure. As for lockers, indeed they are free (as opposed to seaworld and bgt) but it is still a hassle, destroys the flow of it all. As for metal detectors, when you wear a belt they will go off, people's jewelry might make it go off ... and other things it won't detect like a wallet, and as someone said, it might not even pick up a cellphone as they are mainly plastic.
You can put all these safeguards into play but they won't always prevent something getting through, & accidents will still happen. That's why they call them accidents.
This is crazy, I just read that my cousin who's 8 years old just got hit in the face by a coin from a rollercoaster, El Toro in Six Flags, NJ. :(

So as much as I hate this, bad things happen.

Having said that, I have an idea for a possible queue design...will post it shortly.
This is crazy, I just read that my cousin who's 8 years old just got hit in the face by a coin from a rollercoaster, El Toro in Six Flags, NJ. :(

So as much as I hate this, bad things happen.

Having said that, I have an idea for a possible queue design...will post it shortly.

That's awful, I hope everything is ok :(
Yes, she's ok, just bruised badly.

Here is my idea for a queue option to try to speed things through. This may be what they're using already, but I just wanted to post it since I was trying to see how metal detectors could be done more quickly

That's good to hear. Your mockup looks good. One question about it: would Express and Singles have their own line or be like Forbidden Journey and split when you're inside the building?
I understand the need for the lockers, I really do, and if I could get away with not carrying anything in my pockets at all, I absolutely would. As is, my wife is type one diabetic so we have to bring insulin. The lockers at the front of the park are not convenient as leaving her insulin in them would require us to walk to them before we eat and then walk back to them after she is done. Also, if she needs to check her number while in park that would require another detour. I want there to be a more convenient way to handle all of this, but beyond providing free lockers I cannot see the solution. I realize that the lockers are free for a certain period of time, but if the ride breaks down (like happened to me) you find yourself in trouble. I am not really sure what the solution is to this problem.

I am a type 1 diabetic as well, and while I have an insulin pump now (a whole other issue for my trip to the park this weekend) there are options for "storing" supplies like those we need in the park. Still not great, but better than the lockers. You can actually take them to the first aid stations and they will hold a bag for you. That is what I used to do with my kit.
That's good to hear. Your mockup looks good. One question about it: would Express and Singles have their own line or be like Forbidden Journey and split when you're inside the building?

I think that depends on space available. My mockup already requires a bit more space than usual.
Some people do have big bags, ie for kids etc.. the lockers i doubt can hold all that.

Where does glasses fit in this? People need to see, do they make people take them off and put them in a locker then spend the rest of the queue blind?
Some people do have big bags, ie for kids etc.. the lockers i doubt can hold all that.

Where does glasses fit in this? People need to see, do they make people take them off and put them in a locker then spend the rest of the queue blind?
I've been able to ride Rockit with my glasses on.
Rock It is particularly brutal without sunglasses. As far as I know glasses have always been ok and have continued to be ok.... Part of the reason I'm planning on getting a pair of Pivotheads once the new model comes out.
I'm an experienced, well-traveled theme parker. I wear cargo shorts with buttoned or zippered pockets and I know how to place my stuff in my pockets in such a way that THEY ARE NOT COMING OUT, PERIOD. I shouldn't be jumped on and forced to secure my already-secured loose articles in a locker and then be strip-searched to get on the ride. Secured pockets should be given a quick glance by the entrance nazi and then you're on your way. For those with pockets or loose articles that cannot be secured, then lockers should be mandatory.

Regardless, nothing says "ghetto theme park" like metal detectors. If Universal is trying to emulate Six Flags, great job! If they're trying to be in the top-tier with Disney, a change is needed.
Something I never understood is why they don't put seat pouches(like behind the seats) where you could put your stuff when you sit. (in the seat in front of you) Disney does that for some of their rides like the Aerosmith ride.
what if they had those type of ouches that would lock after you put your things? or have a zipper or something.

It would be a lot easier to be able to put your stuff in the chair, I really don't know why Men In Black needs lockers for example. You could just have a place to put your stuff