Well I see everyone saw my pics ok but I still need to update you all on the details & I will make a spaces to make it easier to read for those who don't like long posts.
The first thing I saw was this new ramp (
http://twitpic.com/1m5enf) It was leading from the start of the greenhouse outside queue back down to JP. I figure it's some kind of wheelchair ramp/ emergency exit of some sort. What you see happening in the pic is the lady is spraying those little black specks on the rocks & giving it texture. Noted the huge green wall by the JP lockers is down & there is only a small blue fence around this ramp.
Also there are large bushes put between the outside facing wall of the greenhouse & the extending queue next to it blocking the view from the outside queue to inside the greenhouse a bit.
Behind the no trespassing wall (next to the JP bathrooms) there is a brown wall blocking the view of the side ally of the show building & the lower area of the greenhouse.
I went into the DD queue for the 1st time ever & I guess it payed off not only for the flags aged (
http://twitpic.com/1m58ua) but I sneaked a peak of the new dragon signs! All that is covering these wonderful new "chose you dragon" sign is a small thick sheet that is nailed down. BUT not everywhere I peaked behind & sure enough the signs are wooden with the two dragon carved into their sign (red on red blue on blue) I couldn't see high enough but I would assume I wasn't far off from seeing "Horntail & "Firebolt"carved right above the dragons. The rectangle sign in between them had white carvings. Even though I couldn't make out the words it was a beautiful carving that I am sure side something like "chose your dragon" or something like that. But like I said a few nails pulled & BAM! it's DC so it's like a 20min. job to change them max.
At 2:40PM Let THERE BE TRAINING!!! More than 40 (yes I said 40) Broomsticks TMs were seen marching into the back area. The only new costume I noticed was the light tan one seen to the right edge here (
http://twitpic.com/1m5h0k) I am guessing one is for behind the counter & one for servers/bus boys but just a guess?
The only other things of notes where things being painted both the steeple (
http://twitpic.com/1m5apo) & broomsticks (
http://twitpic.com/1m5jvc) looks like they are hauling butt (finally) to get things done before the execs roll in on Monday. Also that as I was walking the DD all of a sudden they blasted the Durmstrang entrance music right outside the wall & I almost had a heart attack it was so loud & scared the crap out of me.
Hope you enjoyed & AGAIN let's not bother to guess on soft anything notice they are still training & there is ZERO word on any preview (TM or passholder) so until than RELAX!