I was also at the park today, and it was a VERY long day, hence my late apperance. I also witnessed everything that DisFreakBrent did, but had no camera, so I'm happy he was there too. There was in fact lots going on today. But there was something that happened to me that didn't to any others besided those in my group.
While taking in the view from the lakeside area of JP, a TM who was cleaning trash in the water from a little boat paddled over and struck conversation with us. He explained he'd been working at the park for 8 years and loved his job and IoA's rides. He also expressed his own excitement for TWWoHP. Now, take this with a grain of salt, but he seemed pretty confident in saying this. He expects TM previews to start next week with Passholder previews the following week. General softs should follow. He said "softs will start in two weeks time."
I also find it extremely annoying that people still think DD is the new HP ride. Are they oblivious to the construction walls?