The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 395 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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--skipping introduction of new member here--
the information that you have coming in, is crazy. Please keep it coming. Cant tell you how much we appreciate it.
i just hope it wont be one giant disappointment.
anyways, nice meeting y'all ..virtually.. =)
All I want to know is if it will be open tomorrow, I have waited three years for this and I am not going to spoil it for myself. I have done this so many times before but not this time. I really would like to know how it stacks up against Spiderman though.

man, i'm right there with ya, I have always spoiled these things for myself, but this has been so different, i already have enouth love for this thing that I dont think I could physically read a spoiler review, I really hope I dont...
so I would expect a whole ride lay out within a hr. or 2

By ride layout, I believe you mean what they will see on the ride. There ain't no way they will be able to diagram it... they won't have a clue where they are at any second of this thing. It should be twice as confusing as old Spidy. (if it isn't then we are all in trouble)
Is it sad that I have OU opened in 2 windows (one in this thread and one in the spoiler thread) and im refreshing like a mad woman.

:-( I wont be there until Saturday. I'll be the woman with Hummingbird tattooed on her shoulder
To be perfectly honest if ANYONE gives anything away Uni will prob. come down on them hard since they were told not to say anything. Even the people I have talked with said even if I wanted to know anything they wouldn't risk their job. (even though I wouldn't say anything) So if anyone is daring to post about it I recommend you create a new account with a new e-mail ect. Even though people won't believe a noob at first it's better than risking your butt.

As far as spotting me see profile pic than add some more hair & I'll be in a white button down shirt with black jeans. (very Hogwarts student esk) If you think you see me don't be shy & come on up & say Hi I'm very friendly so I've been told. I should be rolling in at the same time as your guys.
"spoilerbg (twitter)

[HASHTAG]#potterwatch[/HASHTAG] as of right now the ride is down for 1-2 hours. Hopefully they will extend preview hours."
I just want to know how amazing it is...does it live up to the hype? Is it more impressive then Spiderman? How long is the ride...etc...all details about what actually happens I'd like to stay away from.

I dont see why Universal is so secretive about this...package holders will be riding this Tomorrow! I don't think they will make them sign NDA too.

--- Update ---

Somebody put on the #potterwatch tweets that the ride is down now for 1-2 hours.

LOL, it broke already?
Thanks for the updates everyone!! Refreshing like mad here too, and I'm actually so busy at work too... It's driving me crazy!! :rofl:

BTW where's this 7am come from? I saw IOA opens at 9 as usual tomorrow, plus the package holders get the one hours preview so 8am, but why 7am?

I think this may all be a mix up... Since supposedly this info came from a TM, it's likely that the TM has to report to work at 7am, package holders/hotel guests get in at 8am, general public at 9am.
Maybe? :shrug: